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Consensus Team Update

· 3 min read
Damian Nadales

High level summary

The Consensus team continued working on refactoring and improving the UTxO-HD prototype, and introducing improvements to the lmdb related packages. In particular we identified an opportunity to gain performance by handling locks in a more optimal way.

On the Genesis front, we sketched a mitigation for an issue that PNSol and Researchers caught. We also came op with a road map for not only testing the Genesis prototypes, but also for enriching the tests we already have.

Regarding technical debt, next to some minor improvements, we created component-level micro-benchmarks for adding transactions to the mempool. The results of these benchmarks will be published in the ouroboros-consensus web page.

We also finished moving the Consensus documentation to the ouroboros-consensus repository, released ouroboros-consensus, and reduced the time GitHub actions take in ouroboros-network.


UTxO HD Prototype

We continued working on refactoring and improving the UTxO-HD prototype. As a result of the first round of sytem-level benchmarks, we identified an opportunity to optimise the way we handle locks to improve performance (#4393).

Also, we introduced several improvements to the lmdb related packages:


We sketched out a mitigation of the issue that PNSol and Researchers caught in the Genesis design.

We came up with a road map for testing the Genesis prototypes, including early milestones that are applicable to today's master branch, ie tests that are useful before Genesis, and that will be nicely enriched when we do add Genesis.

We developed the aforementioned tests, specifically a QuickCheck generator for the Honest leader schedule and one as-aggressive-as-possible Adversarial leader schedule that together satisfy the Praos properties that the Consensus design takes as invariants.

We investigated why the improved ChainDB queueing implementation behaves differently in the baseline compared to the prototype, and we are close to having a full picture of how the Consensus components interact during bulk sync.

Technical debt

We created component-level micro-benchmarks for adding transactions to the mempool. We plan on extending this to more mempool actions and different types of blocks. We store the benchmark data to make it available to the GitHub action that publishes the benchmarks results.

Other minor improvements include:

  • Removal of Test.Util.Classify in favour of Test.StateMachine.Labelling.
  • Addition of -Wunused-packages to the default ghc-options for Consensus packages.

Fostering collaboration

We finished moving the Consensus documentation from ouroboros-network to ouroboros-consensus, in preparation for migrating the code to the latter repository.


We released ouroboros-consensus

We reduced the load in the ouroboros-network GitHub actions, thereby reducing the time CI jobs take.