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· One min read
Noon van der Silk

High-level summary

The team is very excited to have relased the work on reducing the memory footprint of the Hydra node by merging #1618. This has been tested and appears to make a huge impact to long-running Hydra nodes with many transactions. We invite the community to test it more! We also made a couple of hotfixes and documentation improvements.

What did the team achieve?

  • Merged work on reduced memory footprint for running a Hydra Node #1618
  • Progress on "side-load" of a snapshot #1858
  • Updated documentation for persistence cleaning #1899
  • Fixed a bug where the TUI wasn't getting enough history #1901
  • Allowed for etcd arguments to be passed on #1891; useful for controlling etcd more explicitly.
  • Added /snapshot/last-seen endpoint to query the latest snapshot #1886

What's next?

  • Finish side-loading snapshots #1858
  • Tighten security options of the networking layer #1867
  • Publishing scripts with blockfrost #1668

· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

This week, the Mithril team continued working on the aggregator's prototype 'slave' mode to support signer registration across multiple aggregators. This feature is being stabilized and tested. They also focused on implementing incremental certification of the Cardano database, emphasizing feature stabilization, production readiness, testing, and optimization. Additionally, the team started refactoring the cryptographic library to improve clarity and maintainability and kept working on signing ancillary files in the Cardano database snapshots with an IOG key.

Finally, the team enhanced the database tooling for migration and maintenance and fixed some flakiness in the CI.

Low level overview

  • Completed the issue Compress the digests file uploaded on GCP for Incremental Cardano DB #2356
  • Completed the issue Database vacuum is blocking aggregator API at epoch transition #2364
  • Completed the issue Database migration checks minimum node version if next migration is squashed #2357
  • Completed the issue Some unit tests in the CI are flaky #2360
  • Worked on the issue E2e tests adaptation for multiple aggregators #2361
  • Worked on the issue Sign ancillary files with IOG key #2362
  • Worked on the issue Use a macro to implement the Source trait #2365
  • Worked on the issue Re-organize STM library structure #2369
  • Worked on the issue Upgrade to Cardano 10.2 #2333

· 2 min read
Marcin Szamotulski

Overview of sprint 83

High-level overview

SRV support (Cardano, Mithril)

We merged ouroboros-network#5018 which adds support for SRV in ouroboros-network. However, we still need to make a decision whether we require that all Cardano SRVs start with _cardano._tcp, or we leave it open for the future. The former would allow us to use SRVs for different applications, e.g. _mithril._tcp for the mithril diffusion. If that would be the case then we'd prepend _cardano._tcp to what we find in the SRV field of a registration certificate, e.g. prepend _cardano._tcp by cardano-node's diffusion, and _mithril._tcp by the mithril diffusion. The other possibility is to extend the registration certificate to include the addresses of mithril nodes.


We started working on a development plan for Mithril diffusion, [ref][mithirl-diffusion] (note that this is a work in progress).

We also have been working on moving network-related code from the cardano-node to the cardano-diffusion library in ouroboros-network. In the future, this will allow us to share parts of it in the Mithril diffusion [ouroboros-newtork#5082].


We improved our CDDL specifications by annotating which codecs require definite / in-definite encoding of lists & maps, see ouroboros-network#5089.


Karl Knutsson (CF) has been working on performance improvements in the multiplexer (network-mux library), ouroboros-network#5093.

Server-side performance considerations

Karl Kntusson (CF) noticed a performance bottleneck in the responder (server) side of the p2p diffusion layer. We've started working on addressing this issue.

Tx-Submission logic

We continued reviewing/improving the tx-submission PR ouroboros-network#4887.

Pull requests

In review

Work in Progress


· 2 min read
John Lotoski

High level summary

The SRE team continues work on Cardano environment improvements and general maintenance.

Some notable recent changes, updates or improvements include:

  • The cardano-node flake closure was cleaned up and optimized for an ~18% size reduction.

  • Cardano-node oci image improvements were merged and should be available with the next cardano-node release image; see the PR details below.

  • The nix hydra machine used for cardano-node builds was migrated to upgraded hardware allowing for better evaluation concurrency and therefore an enhanced dev ci experience.

  • Long cardano-node nix ci eval times were preliminarily investigated and it appears this can likely be improved significantly in the near future.

Repository Work -- Merged


  • Removes deprecated flake inputs for optimization purposes and adds ci via GHA. The flake optimization here is also passed to cardano-node. cardano-automation-pr-7


  • OCI improvements: adds symlinked configuration files for cardano environments, adds a new cardano-node oci image "merge" mode, improves documentation, reduces path inconsistencies between images modes (cardano-node oci script, merge, custom modes) and oci-images (cardano-node and cardano-submit-api). More detail is available in the PR description. cardano-node-pr-6110

  • Byron-to-Alonzo scripts and env clean up: removes deprecated environments and dependencies, adds testnet template support, improves the byron to alonzo script set and documents. More detail is available in the PR description. cardano-node-pr-6123

  • Flake clean up and optimization: removes uneeded inputs and overlay, applies alejandra fmt, adds alejandra to dev/devops devShell, reduces overall flake closure size by ~18%. More detail is available in the PR description. cardano-node-pr-6144


  • The nix hydra build machine was migrated to new hardware with more memory. Deprecated ziti code was cleaned up. devx-ci-commit-compare


  • The inputs-check tool was improved to make usage easier in non-flake-parts flakes, fix a top level duplicate inputs bug, improve docs with better instructions and more example usage, and add minimal ci. inputs-check-pr-1

Repository Work In Progress -- PRs and Branches