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45 posts tagged with "sre"

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· 2 min read
John Lotoski

High level summary

The SRE team continues work on Cardano environment improvements and general maintenance.

Some notable recent changes, updates or improvements include:

  • The cardano-node flake closure was cleaned up and optimized for an ~18% size reduction.

  • Cardano-node oci image improvements were merged and should be available with the next cardano-node release image; see the PR details below.

  • The nix hydra machine used for cardano-node builds was migrated to upgraded hardware allowing for better evaluation concurrency and therefore an enhanced dev ci experience.

  • Long cardano-node nix ci eval times were preliminarily investigated and it appears this can likely be improved significantly in the near future.

Repository Work -- Merged


  • Removes deprecated flake inputs for optimization purposes and adds ci via GHA. The flake optimization here is also passed to cardano-node. cardano-automation-pr-7


  • OCI improvements: adds symlinked configuration files for cardano environments, adds a new cardano-node oci image "merge" mode, improves documentation, reduces path inconsistencies between images modes (cardano-node oci script, merge, custom modes) and oci-images (cardano-node and cardano-submit-api). More detail is available in the PR description. cardano-node-pr-6110

  • Byron-to-Alonzo scripts and env clean up: removes deprecated environments and dependencies, adds testnet template support, improves the byron to alonzo script set and documents. More detail is available in the PR description. cardano-node-pr-6123

  • Flake clean up and optimization: removes uneeded inputs and overlay, applies alejandra fmt, adds alejandra to dev/devops devShell, reduces overall flake closure size by ~18%. More detail is available in the PR description. cardano-node-pr-6144


  • The nix hydra build machine was migrated to new hardware with more memory. Deprecated ziti code was cleaned up. devx-ci-commit-compare


  • The inputs-check tool was improved to make usage easier in non-flake-parts flakes, fix a top level duplicate inputs bug, improve docs with better instructions and more example usage, and add minimal ci. inputs-check-pr-1

Repository Work In Progress -- PRs and Branches

· 2 min read
John Lotoski

High level summary

The SRE team continues work on Cardano environment improvements and general maintenance.

Some notable recent changes, updates or improvements include:

  • Cardano-node and cardano-cli pre-release (-ng) are now set to 10.2.1 and, respectively, in cardano-parts.

  • IoE Sanchonet environment and resources were retired.

  • Cardano-parts added module and template support for SRV DNS records which an upcoming version of cardano-node will utilize.

Repository Work -- Merged


  • Adjusts the package fetchClosure path to avoid store re-writing
  • Adds some just recipe env checks
  • Updates the check recipe to work with package attrs with embedded "capkgs-pr-3


  • Sets node pre-release (-ng) to 10.2.1, cardano-cli pre-release to and mithril-cli to v2506.0. Cleans up deprecated environments such as private, shelley-qa and sanchonet. Includes a number of improvements with details available in the release notes: cardano-parts-release-v2025-02-26


  • Sets node pre-release (-ng) to 10.2.1, cardano-cli pre-release to and mithril-cli to v2506.0. Cleans up deprecated environments such as private, shelley-qa and sanchonet. More detail is available in the PR description. cardano-playground-pr-41


  • Sets node pre-release (-ng) to 10.2.1, cardano-cli pre-release to and mithril-cli to v2506.0. Cleans up deprecated environments such as private, shelley-qa and sanchonet. More detail is available in the PR description. cardano-mainnet-pr-31


  • This PR removes cardano-lib private, sanchonet, shelley_qa and legacy testnet environments, all of which are shutdown. It also adds a default peer snapshot file per environment, updates the usePeersFromLedgerAfterSlot value per environment, cleans up some unused code and makes some lsp lint suggested changes: iohk-nix-pr-593

Repository Work In Progress -- PRs and Branches

· One min read
John Lotoski

High level summary

The SRE team continues work on Cardano environment improvements and general maintenance.

Some notable recent changes, updates or improvements include:

  • IoE Sanchonet pools and community bootstrap relays are being terminated as Sanchonet has fulfilled its purpose. The community will carry Sanchonet forward a little longer for an environment to run some community workshops organized by Mike Hornan.

  • Cardano-node container image improvement work is in progress. The node PR listed as WIP below will be additionally followed up by another in the near future to support the new cardano-node tracing system.

Repository Work -- Merged



Repository Work -- PRs and Branches, WIP

· One min read
John Lotoski

High level summary

The SRE team continues work on Cardano environment improvements and general maintenance.

Some notable recent changes, updates or improvements include:

  • An ephemeral support module for AWS EC2 ephemeral block devices was added to cardano-parts.

Repository Work


  • A nixosModule, profile-aws-ec2-ephemeral, has been added to support ec2 instances with ephemeral storage block devices, offering auto-format and mount with RAID0 creation for multiple devices. The aws ec2 spec file was updated. A number of small fixes and improvements were added with details available in the release notes: cardano-parts-release-v2025-02-04


  • Applies ephemeral module support, adds network icc secrets, KES rotates network forgers, and applies misc fixes and improvements. More detail is available in the PR description: cardano-playground-pull-40


  • Applies ephemeral module support, and applies misc fixes and improvements. More detail is available in the PR description: cardano-mainnet-pull-29


· 2 min read
John Lotoski

High level summary

The SRE team continues work on Cardano environment improvements and general maintenance.

Some notable recent changes, updates or improvements include:

  • Sanchonet was respun after a community scheduled test hardfork to PV11

  • Buildkite agent modules were added to cardano-playground

  • Adds a latest tag GHA action to cardano-node upon new release publication

Repository Work


  • Cardano-node has been updated to 10.1.4, cardano-cli and the -ng variant to and respectively, and mithril to v2450. Colmena has been updated to utilize a new pure flake evaluation approach. New nix jobs were added for a new "next-gen" network spin up method, which supports network creation with a fork directly to Conway and then retirement of the genesis bootstrap pool in favor of on-chain registered backbone pools. CI tests to support these new jobs were added. The recipe to query governance actions was updated with the latest voting calculations and the output was improved with color and additional reporting totals. A psql prepared statement for voting activity over time was added to the postgres module. Other small miscellaneous improvements and clean up were made with details available in the release notes: cardano-parts-release-v2025-01-17


  • Cardano-node has been updated to 10.1.4, mithril to v2450 and all envs deployed. Buildkite modules were added to support fast buildkite agent scaling in any AWS region. Sanchonet was respun after a planned community hard fork test. The recipe to query governance actions was updated with the latest voting calculations. A new start-demo-ng recipe was added to utilize a new "next-gen" spin up method. More detail is available in the PR description: cardano-playground-pull-39


  • Cardano-node has been updated to 10.1.4 and mithril to v2450 and all machines deployed. The mainnet canary dashboard was updated with a governance voting analysis panel. The recipe to query governance actions was updated with the latest voting calculations. More detail is available in the PR description: cardano-mainnet-pull-29


  • Adds GHA steps to push a latest tag for node and api containers on release events where the tag is the latest release. Updates the docker-compose to default to the latest tag and bumps iohk-nix for an updated target number of established peers. Fixes related configs to pass CI checks. cardano-node-pull-6057