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98 posts tagged with "hydra"

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· One min read
Noon van der Silk

High-level summary

The team is very excited to have relased the work on reducing the memory footprint of the Hydra node by merging #1618. This has been tested and appears to make a huge impact to long-running Hydra nodes with many transactions. We invite the community to test it more! We also made a couple of hotfixes and documentation improvements.

What did the team achieve?

  • Merged work on reduced memory footprint for running a Hydra Node #1618
  • Progress on "side-load" of a snapshot #1858
  • Updated documentation for persistence cleaning #1899
  • Fixed a bug where the TUI wasn't getting enough history #1901
  • Allowed for etcd arguments to be passed on #1891; useful for controlling etcd more explicitly.
  • Added /snapshot/last-seen endpoint to query the latest snapshot #1886

What's next?

  • Finish side-loading snapshots #1858
  • Tighten security options of the networking layer #1867
  • Publishing scripts with blockfrost #1668

· One min read
Noon van der Silk

High-level summary

The team are very excited to have merged the etcd-based networking stack into master (not yet released). We would appreciate people testing this and reporting any issues! We continue to work on memory usage and potential stuck-head resolutions.

What did the team achieve?

  • Merged the etcd-based network stack #1720
  • Progress on reduced memory footprint for running a Hydra Node #1618
  • Progress on "side-load" of a snapshot #1858

What's next?

  • Continue to work on memory usage enhancements #1618
  • Finish side-loading snapshots #1858
  • Tighten security options of the networking layer #1867
  • Publishing scripts with blockfrost #1668

· One min read
Noon van der Silk

High-level summary

The team is very excited to have the Hydra explorer up-and-running again and now observing over 1,000 heads across all networks and versions! Memory improvements and network resiliance continues to be our focus.

What did the team achieve?

  • Fixed the hydra-explorer to track multiple vesions of Hydra #1282
  • Made progress on the etcd-based network stack #1720
  • Fixed bug around malformed party information crashing a Head #1856
  • Progress on reduced memory footprint for running a Hydra Node #1618

What's next?

  • Continue to work on memory usage enhancements #1618
  • Continue working on new networking stack #1720
  • Start work on new approach to "Getting suck" problems; resetting to a previous snapshot #1858

· One min read
Noon van der Silk

High-level summary

We are very excited to finally release 0.20.0 of Hydra with incremental commits. We continue to work on memory enhancements and other work around stability and resiliance.

What did the team achieve?

What's next?

  • Continue to work on memory usage enhancements #1618
  • Finish Hydra explorer supporting multiple versions #1282
  • Start work on API command to clear pending transactions #1284
  • Start working on new networking stack #1720

· One min read
Noon van der Silk

High-level summary

The last few weeks have seen us finialising a copule of things; notably our experiments into running Hydra with a custom ledger (to support, for example, a custom plutus script operation you may be interested in). We have almost wrapped up incremental commits; just finishing the spec changes. We will then focus on a release, and some features that users have been wanting for a while around memory usage and resilience.

What did the team achieve?

  • Completed custom ledger experiment #1727, #1742, #1796
  • Restored hydra-explorer for 0.19 #12
  • Add deposit deadline command-line option #1798
  • Researched options for less-than-totaly consensus in a Hydra Head
  • Investigated resiliance to nodes offline #1780 and investigated solution #1786

What's next?

  • Start to investigate memory usage enhancements #1618
  • Final work on incremental commits #199; namely the spec changes #12
  • Finish Hydra explorer supporting multiple versions #1282
  • Plan the 0.20.0 release
  • Continue support Hydra Doom
  • Start work on API command to clear pending transactions #1284