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· One min read
Alexey Kuleshevich

High level summary

This period we have discovered and fixed a bug in ledger that was also backported in a patch release of cardano-node-10.1.3. The bug manifests itself in the protocol version 10 and affects DRep delegations. It does not affect mainnet in a meaningful way, because DReps cannot yet vote on any proposal that affects the ledger state or the chain. However, in order to have the correct behavior in the protocol version 10 we do need to use this patched version.

Besides this bugfix we continued working on testing and taking care of some tech dept. We also added a new ledger state query that allows asking the node for current DRep voting stake distribution.

Low level summary

  • pull-4764 - Add registered DRep stake distribution query
  • pull-4748 - Add Conformance.Imp: imptests with conformance
  • pull-4767 - Simplify working with current epoch number
  • pull-4773 - DRep undelegation fix
  • pull-4774 - Backport release: cardano-ledger-conway-
  • pull-4777 - Upgrade to plutus-ledger-api
  • pull-4779 - Change type of nOpt pparam to Word16

· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

This week, the Mithril team continued implementing the incremental certification of the Cardano database. They completed the computation of the message to sign and started working on creating and synchronizing the artifacts. The team also continued exploring solutions for signer registration in networks with multiple aggregators and progressed on developing a cache for certificate verification in the WASM client.

Finally, they implemented a retry mechanism in the end-to-end tests within the CI to address flakiness and investigated methods to track the origin of client requests.

Low level overview

  • Completed the issue Implement signable builder for Incremental Cardano DB #2122
  • Completed the issue Implement retries in e2e tests in CI #2123
  • Completed the issue How to record origin of client requests? #2077
  • Completed the issue Add the Cardano network in the status page #2144
  • Completed the issue Fix clippy warnings with Rust 1.83.0 #2147
  • Worked on the issue Implement artifacts builder for Incremental Cardano DB #2151
  • Worked on the issue Release 2448 distribution #2124
  • Worked on the issue Reorganize the About Mithril section in the documentation website #2154
  • Worked on the issue Handle cache for certificate verification in WASM client #1484
  • Worked on the issue Activate Pythagoras Mithril era #2034
  • Worked on the issue Explore Signer Registration Solutions #2029

· One min read
John Lotoski

High level summary

The SRE team continues work on Cardano environment improvements and general maintenance.

Some notable recent changes, updates or improvements include:

  • Cardano-node release 10.1.3 was deployed to all environments

  • Dbsync release and then was deployed to all environments

  • Mainnet bootstraps have been configured for Cardano Foundation scrape, enabling a shared dashboard

Repository Work


  • Ensures legacy tracing is default via config when the node default itself changes to new tracing system. Fixes default OCI mainnet topology p2p json. Updates some OCI legacy cmds and repo references. cardano-node-pull-6042


  • Sets cardano-node to 10.1.3, dbsync to Updates the default cardano-node nixos service to maintain legacy tracing when the default tracing system changes in the next node release. cardano-parts-release-v2024-12-02



  • Deploys cardano-node to 10.1.3, dbsync to Adjust bootstraps for CF metrics scrape. cardano-mainnet-pull-27


  • Ensure the use of legacy tracing for iohk-nix generated configs when the node binary defaults to new tracing. iohk-nix-pull-590

· One min read
Noon van der Silk

High-level summary

These last few weeks continue on as before; almost wrapping up the incremental commit work. We are focusing on tests and soon the spec changes, which will be the last parts. We have integrated the core functionality into the TUI already, and also added a new requested feature around filtering by UTxO addresses to the websocket API. We continue on with the custom ledger experiments and wrapping up incremental commits, as well enhancing the hydra-explorer and supporting the upcoming Hydra Doom tournament!

What did the team achieve?

  • Moved hydra-explorer out of the mono-repo #1716
  • Added ability to filter the API by UTxO address #1719
  • Finalising the work on incremental commits #199
  • Investigating customised ledger in a Hydra Head #1727
  • Investigated SQLite as our local datastore #1746
  • Incremental commits in the TUI #1747
  • Added a test to investigate a (potential) bug #1741

What's next?

  • Hydra explorer supporting multiple versions #1282
  • Finish custom ledger experiment #1742
  • Plan the 0.20.0 release
  • Continue to imminent Hydra Doom tournament!

· One min read
Damian Nadales

High level summary

  • Started preparations of a TSC proposal regarding Chain Growth violations.
  • Wrote a document about the Cardano-specific instantiation of the Praos protocol theorem.
  • Georgy Lukyanov joined the Consensus team and is going through the onboarding process.