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Mithril Team Update

· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

This week, the Mithril team made progress in adapting the Mithril client library for WASM compilation and providing a JavaScript API for it. They also completed the optimization of the aggregator's performance. Additionally, the team initiated the implementation of a testing Mithril network for SanchoNet and conducted threat modeling and risk analysis for P2P networking.

Finally, they enhanced the developer experience of the Mithril client library by providing ready-to-run examples in the repository and implemented a workflow to manually publish libraries on

Low level overview

  • Worked on the issue Light Wallet: Release mithril-client WASM library #1336
  • Worked on the issue P2P threat modeling and risk analysis #1350
  • Worked on the issue Create a test network on Sanchonet #1173
  • Worked on the issue Upgrade breaking changes crates #1357
  • Worked on the issue Enhance Mithril/Cardano node communication #1315
  • Completed the issue Enhance aggregator REST API performances #1327
  • Completed the issue Signer runtime is stuck for some SPO #1312
  • Completed the issue Make mithril-client examples full crates #1385
  • Completed the issue Manual publication to with GitHub action #1380
  • Completed the issue Remove sqlite dependency from mithril-client crate #1390