2023-12-09 - 2023-12-30
High level summary
- Migrated reposotiries to IntersectMBO.
- Improved era handling on cardano-api. Instead of enumerating every possible era, we use two constructors:
'CurrentEra' and 'UpcomingEra'. This design simplifies the handling of eras, especially for
consumers who are primarily concerned with the current mainnet era and the next era for an upcoming hardfork. - Cleaning-up the
, in particular to the babbage era commands where some Conway options had spilled.
- Use AnyShelleyBasedEra in ScriptWitnessErrorReferenceScriptsNotSupportedInEra
- [--output-format json|--output-format json] format becomes [--output-yaml|--output-json]
- governance vote view: use
, like other commands, instead of--yaml
- fix: invalid options on cardano-cli babbage transaction build and build-raw
- legacy query: remove constitution-hash option
- Make
query pool-state
default to returning information on all pools
- Expose CurrentEra and UpcomingEra pattern synonyms
- update cname for github pages
- Fix links killed by GitHub migration
- Move renderSafeHashAsHex from cardano-node
- Upgrade hedgehog extras
- chap: migrate to chap.intersectmbo.org
- Era handling