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Mithril Team Update

· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

This week, the Mithril team completed the implementation of the client in the explorer, enabling direct certificate verification from the browser. They initiated the implementation of a new entity type for signing to certify the Cardano transactions set in Mithril networks. The team also upgraded the devnet to support the Conway era and activated the Mithril era marker reader on the Cardano chain in the end-to-end test. Additionally, they kept implementing a mock aggregator to strengthen Mithril client tests in WASM and continued working on threat modeling and risk analysis for P2P networking.

Finally, they worked on enhancing node communications between Mithril and Cardano, and they started rolling out the Cardano node in the infrastructure to version 8.7.3.

Low level overview

  • Completed the issue Light Wallet: Create new signed entity type for CardanoTransactions #1434
  • Completed the issue Implement the mithril client WASM package in the explorer #1409
  • Completed the issue Activate babbage/conway eras on devnet #1425
  • Completed the issue Transition Mithril Era Reader adapter to CardanoChain in devnet #1428
  • Completed the issue Upgrade Cardano node to 8.7.3 #1410
  • Worked on the issue P2P threat modeling and risk analysis #1350
  • Worked on the issue Implement a fake standalone aggregator #1397
  • Worked on the issue Create a test network on SanchoNet #1173
  • Worked on the issue Enhance Mithril/Cardano node communication #1315