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Mithril Team Update

· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

This week, the Mithril team released a new Mithril distribution 2412.0. This release includes several critical updates and enhancements, such as support for the Prometheus metrics endpoint in signer, deprecation of the snapshot command in the client CLI, full Pallas-based implementation of the chain observer, and support for Cardano node v.8.9.0.

The team continued implementing the certification of Cardano transactions in Mithril networks. They focused on scaling the signature and proof generation for mainnet, kept implementing a more versatile beaconing mechanism, reducing the latency of transactions signature, and continued investigating a bug in the block parser that prevents some Conway transactions from being signed. Additionally, they started working on a prototype to decentralize signer registration with the relay and a peer-to-peer (P2P) network.

Finally, the team completed the implementation of some community-requested features to verify the output folder structure made by the client, and kept investigating a source of flakiness in the CI end-to-end test.

Low level overview

  • Released the new distribution 2412.0
  • Publication of a dev blog post about the Mithril signer Prometheus endpoint release
  • Publication of a dev blog post about the Mithril client CLI snapshot command deprecation
  • Completed the issue Implement a Block Range Merkle Tree for Cardano Transactions #1533
  • Completed the issue Do not require the mithril client to create the DB directory #1572
  • Worked on the issue Support multiple beacon types in signer/aggregator #1562
  • Worked on the issue Mithril relay broadcasts signer registrations with P2P PubSub #1587
  • Worked on the issue Provide fake aggregator data in an aggregated form #1594
  • Worked on the issue Some transactions are not signed in testing-sanchonet #1577
  • Worked on the issue End to end tests are flaky in CI #1558