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Hydra Team Update

· One min read
Daniel Firth

High-level Summary

This sprint, the Hydra team released version 0.17.0 of the hydra-node, containing the new blueprint commit transaction mechanism and upgrades to the networking protocol incorporated over the last several weeks. We also completed several documentation upgrades.

Next sprint, we aim to focus the outstanding increment decommit work, completing the model tests for it as well as investigating adversarial attacks on the smart contract.

What did the team achieve this sprint?

  • Combine blueprint and commit tx metadata #1409
  • Diagnose currently stuck head. #1415
  • Document offline mode #1414
  • Document writing an Event Sink and Source #1413
  • Streaming Plugins #1325
  • Ensure -Werror is running in CI. #1426
  • Release hydra-node-0.17.0

What are the goal of the next sprint?

  • Update to cardano-node 8.11-pre #1439
  • Incremental decommit #1057
  • Make progress on the design for incremental commit #199
  • Reopen a head to test blueprint commits.
  • Test combinations of decrement/close/fanout #1390