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Hydra Team Update

· One min read
Noon van der Silk

High-level summary

This week we did some refinement and scoping work around the network reliability, finding a specific kind of fault to look for in the first instance. We continued our Hydra Head running on preview, and confirmed that empty decommits pose no real problem. We upgraded to be compatibile with the latest cardano node and hence be able to keep the Head running during the upcoming hardfork. Finally, we added a technical writing style guide, to ensure consistency in all our documentation.

What did the team achieve?

  • Stable Hydra Head running on the preview network
  • Compability with cardano node 9.1.0 #1531
  • Confirmed empty decommits are not a problem #1534
  • Refined scope of the network reliability work
  • Added a technical writing style guide.

What's next?

  • Working towards an Agda-based spec
  • Continued work on incremental commits: spec changes and off-chain implementation
  • Implement specific network reliability test as a base to extend from
  • Support Hydra demo at Rare Evo.