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Consensus Team Update

· 2 min read
Damian Nadales

High level summary

  • Debunked our working theory on the cause of performance degradation when taking a ledger snapshot. We are now back to the UTXO set as the first contributing cause to said degradation, and together with the Ledger team we have proposed a way decrease the number of allocations when serializing the ledger state.
  • Developed the first and second draft scripts for estimating the bandwidth necessary to ensure the CPU is the bottleneck when syncing (#1240). This is informing us and the Networking Team how to refine BlockFetch for the syncing node (especially for Genesis).
  • On the UTXO-HD front:
    • After addressing several issues found during benchmarking and testing, the performance team ran benchmarks on the utxo-hd-9.1 branch, yielding positive results. The nodes function without errors. The memory and CPU usage is almost on par with the 9.1 node.
    • A tool has been provided to convert ledger state snapshots from pre-UTxO-HD nodes to UTxO-HD nodes, allowing users to use UTxO-HD right away without needing to replay the chain (since they can use their locally stored ledger state after converting it with the aforementioned tool).
    • The SDET team will run integration tests on the utxo-hd-9.1 branch. If the tests pass, we will start working on wrapping up the documentation and preparing the branch for merging once it is decided to release this feature.
    • Bear in mind that:
      • This UTxO-HD release uses an LMDB backend (but it also provides an in-memory backend). The LSM-tree backend should arrive Q1 2025.
      • UTxO-HD is just the first step of a bigger initiative for moving parts of the ledger state to the disk storage, lowering the memory requirements of the node and contributing to long term sustainability of Cardano.