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Network Team Update

· 2 min read
Marcin Szamotulski

High-level overview of sprint 70

Cardano CLI

cardano-cli ping command cannot send pings over unix sockets using node-to-client mini-protocol (since it doesn't support it). In that case, the command will now show a user-friendly error message. See cardano-cli#49.


We held a session with the mithril team to discuss design & implementation of Mithril using ouroboros-network.


TxSubmission Logic

We continued working on tx-submission logic. We developed new tests that run several simulated outbound peers offering transactions and a single inbound peer governed by the new tx-submission logic. Ref ouroboros-network#3311.

The next step is to clean the branch and integrate it with ouroboros-consensensus & cardano-node for early e2e tests.

Bulk-Sync for Genesis

We reviewed the new bulk-sync application for Genesis mode, see ouroboros-network#4919.


We reviewed the new typed-protocols API PR. It was recently merged & published to CHaP. Once Haskell.Nix has better support for public sub-libraries, we will package all the libraries in one package and publish it on Hackage. Ref: typed-protocols#52.

The next step is to update, review the integration PR in ouroboros-network, see ouroboros-network#4935.

Nightly Tests

We fixed a long-due failure on a nightly test. The failure was due to IOSimPOR ability to reorder simulated IO actions, resulting in a wrong order of events. So, it's not a bug in the production code but in the test itself. See ouroboros-network#4948.

Updated readme file

We updated the dependency graph in our file.

Next Sprint
