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· 2 min read
Jordan Millar

2024-10-02T00:00:00Z - 2024-10-16T00:00:00Z

High level summary

  • More anchor data hash checks were added to cardano-cli commands.
  • Support to create certificates that can register and delegate stake.
  • Moved various era agnostic commands to the top level of cardano-cli.
  • Added Cardano.Api.Tx.Compatible to cardano-api which allows the creation of simple unbalanced transactions that can submit protocol updates in any era.






CI & project maintenance

· One min read
Marcin Szamotulski

Overview of [sprint 73][sprint-73]

Ouroboros-Network-0.18 release

We released ouroboros-network-0.18. The main features are:

  • integration with typed-protocols-0.3
  • cardano-client library doesn't depend on the non-p2p stack
  • We expose connectToWithMux family of functions in ouroboros-network which give access to the underlying [Mux handle][mux-handle].
  • Added NodeToClientV_19: to support the new GetLedgerPeerSnapshot query in local-state-query mini-protocol [ouroboros-consensus#1067].

See full [the list of PRs][ouroboros-network-0.18] included in this release. ouroboros-network-0.18 was integrated with ouroboros-consensus ([ouroboros-consensus#1223])


We continued working on tx-submission and monitoring its performance.

Ouroboros-Network - Mithril Design

We internally discussed how to support the [Mithril design][cip#137]. In In the near future, we will be able to socialise the report we've been working on.

Code Refactoring

We reorganised some of our substysems to use qualified imports with simplified names:

  • [ouroboros-network#4990] (connection-manager, inbound-governor)
  • [ouroboros-network#4997] (network-mux)

We also removed deprecated APIs in [ouroboros-network#4998]sim#182]

· 2 min read
Alexey Kuleshevich

High level summary

We implemented the remaining improvements and fixes discovered in Conway, to be fixed during the bootstrap period:

* protection against deposit loses
* ensuring that DReps exist before delegating
* updates to SPO vote threshold calculation
* improved well-formedness check

Additionally, we added two new rules: Mempool and HardFork, that will allow us to flexibly add processing logic in the future. We also dropped pointers for Conway and enhanced predicate failure reporting for pre-Conway eras.

Finally, we added more tests - both unit and conformance tests.

Low level summary

  • pull-4647 - Drop pointers from UMap in Conway
  • pull-4642 - Mempool rule
  • pull-4553 - Address issues in auto-generated CDDL specification
  • pull-4650 - Check ppuCoinsPerUTxOBytes well-formedness
  • pull-4648 - Updated conformance to work with new MAlonzo types
  • pull-4653 - Improve color output in Imp spec
  • pull-4603 - Add more tests for voting behaviour
  • pull-4639 - Prevent non-registered return accounts for proposals' deposits and TreasuryWithdrawals
  • pull-4632 - Export Unsafe constructors for TxBody, TxBodyRaw and MemoBytes
  • pull-4654 - Add applyTxOpts to ApplyTx
  • pull-4657 - HardFork rule
  • pull-4659 - Change how SPO votes are counted
  • pull-4660 - UTXO conformance with Babbage transactions
  • pull-4652 - Ensure dreps exist prior to delegation
  • pull-4649 - Mismatch type for predicate failures
  • pull-4676 - constrained-generators: (++.) and singleton_ for lists
  • pull-4679 - Fixes for release

· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

The Mithril team continued working on decentralizing the signature orchestration of the Mithril network. They completed the implementation of the autonomous computation of the messages to be signed by the signer and worked on adapting the way some signing configuration is broadcast to the signers. They also kept working on preparing for the new Pythagoras Mithril era.

Finally, they started working on refactoring the Prometheus metrics in the signer, fixed some minor bugs, implemented some optimizations on the node logs and the aggregator REST API, and made the Cardano transaction client stable.

Low level overview

  • Completed the issue Signer computes what to sign on its own #1925
  • Completed the issue Upgrade to Cardano 9.2.1 #1968
  • Completed the issue Handle signatures sent too late in the signer #1976
  • Completed the issue Refactor Certifier service to sign and send signatures in signer #1945
  • Completed the issue Make epoch non optional in RegisterSignerMessage #1956
  • Completed the issue Configuration of block producer and relays is broken in infra #1984
  • Completed the issue Mithril explorer does not display properly on Chrome for Android phone #1944 #1944
  • Worked on the issue Aggregator uses stored signing configurations when creating signed entity type #1961
  • Worked on the issue Prepare new Pythagoras Mithril era #1946
  • Worked on the issue Refactor Prometheus metrics for signer #1990
  • Worked on the issue Aggregator uses stored signing configurations when creating signed entity type #1961
  • Worked on the issue Enhance readability of node logs #1981
  • Worked on the issue Make Cardano transactions stable in client #1952
  • Worked on the issue Remove chain calls from register-signer route #1982

· One min read
Kostas Dermentzis

High level summary

The DBSync team has fixed issues of the latest release, related to offchain data, wrong pool_stat fields, invalidated votes. We also added a requested feauture, which optionally adds a new address table, separating the address from the tx_out table. Finally we worked with the ledger team for memory improvements and introducing ledger events for DBSync.

Lower level summary

Older missing summary

Previously, the DBSync team prepared release which passes the HF and brings all new governance functionality.