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· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

This week, the Mithril team released the new distribution 2428.0, which includes support for Cardano node version 9.0.0, as well as bug fixes and optimizations. They also continued implementing the certification of Cardano transactions in Mithril networks by calibrating the signature parameters for mainnet, fixing a bug preventing the signature of the last block advertised as certified, optimizing a part of the artifact production that was blocking the certification, and starting removing the code reading transactions from the immutable files.

Finally, the team started working on the certification of the Cardano stake distribution and continued redacting a CIP for the diffusion of Mithril signatures through the Cardano network.

Low level overview

  • Released the new distribution 2428.0
  • Completed the issue Release 2428 distribution #1810
  • Completed the issue Calibrate Cardano transaction signature parameters #1814
  • Completed the issue Non blocking artifact production in aggregator #1792
  • Completed the issue Cardano transaction importer does not import the last block advertised as certified #1785
  • Completed the issue A recorded but non certified Cardano transaction creates an error in prover #1819
  • Completed the issue Signer make test command fails #1816
  • Completed the issue Document Prometheus metrics and Grafana Dahsboard for signer #1834
  • Completed the issue Explorer keeps previous Cardano transaction error #1818
  • Worked on the issue Implement signable and artifacts builders for Cardano Stake Distribution #1832
  • Worked on the issue CIP for Mithril signature diffusion through Cardano network #1775
  • Worked on the issue Cleanup Immutable File in Cardano transaction #1825
  • Worked on the issue Upgrade testing-sanchonet for respin with Cardano 9.0.0 #1822

· One min read
Damian Nadales

High level summary

  • Assisted with Node release 9.0:
    • Performed security audits, engaged with other teams, implemented improvements, and released Consensus packages.
  • We are now running additional NoThunks tests, which help us safeguard against memory leaks in the node.
  • Reviewed Milestone 13 of Genesis, which improves the code documentation of Genesis, and implements some fixes and optimizations.

· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

This week, the Mithril team worked on supporting Cardano node version 9.0.0 and started working on a new Mithril distribution. They also continued implementing the certification of Cardano transactions in Mithril networks. They fixed some bugs blocking the REST API during transactions import, causing resource exhaustion on the aggregator Cardano node, and creating some exceptions in the explorer. They also kept redacting a draft CIP for the diffusion of Mithril signatures through the Cardano network.

Finally, the team worked on enhancing the artifact production in the aggregator to avoid blocking the certification and finalized enforcing the linting of all the files in the repository with the CI.

Low level overview

  • Completed the issue Upgrade Cardano node 9.0.0 #1787
  • Completed the issue Aggregator/Signer preload transactions when Cardano transactions certification is not activated #1782
  • Completed the issue Explorer does not handle invalid transaction hashes #1784
  • Completed the issue Cardano transactions import blocks aggregator and signer #1797
  • Completed the issue Resource exhausted on Cardano node socket #1803
  • Completed the issue Certificate pending route overwhelms the Cardano node in aggregator #1804
  • Completed the issue Optimize Cardano transaction prover performances with parallelization #1756
  • Completed the issue Lint Markdown/JavaScript files in repository #1754
  • Worked on the issue CIP for Mithril signature diffusion through Cardano network #1775
  • Worked on the issue Release 2428 distribution #1810
  • Worked on the issue Non blocking artifact production in aggregator #1792
  • Worked on the issue Cardano transaction importer does not import the last block advertised as certified #1785

· 2 min read
Marcin Szamotulski

High-level overview of sprint 65

Karl Knutsson (CF) fixed a bug which prevented a node using bootstrap peers to sync using them, for a more detailed description see ouroboros-network#4899.

Earlier this year we fixed bugs in IOSimPOR which prevent us from using it in ouroboros-network (io-sim#153, io-sim#159); since ouroboros-network#4872 was merged we have a large number of tests that are using IOSimPOR's schedule exploration. In the last sprint we fixed some bugs discovered by IOSimPOR in ouroboros-network:

We continued working on new tx-submission logic: ouroboros-network#3311 as well as on Genesis. The work on Genesis is split in a few PRs which are currently in review process:

High-level overview of sprint 64

Karl Knutsson (CF) modified peer sharing behaviour to not share peers whith which connections failed, see ouroboros-network#4883 for more details.

We fixed inbound governor counters tracer, see ouroboros-network#4885.

· One min read
Carlos LopezDeLara