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· 3 min read
Carlos LopezDeLara

2023-11-15 - 2023-12-08

High level summary

This is sprint was mostly about bug fixing, code clean-ups and optimizations in preparation for a mainnet suitable release.






CI & project maintenance

· 2 min read
John Lotoski

High level summary

The SRE team continues work on cardano environment improvements and general environment maintenance.

Some notable recent changes, updates or improvements include:

  • Sanchonet was respun to cardano-node 8.7.0-pre, and upgraded to cardano-node 8.7.1-pre shortly afterwards
  • Cardano-node 8.7.2 was released and all environments were then upgraded to 8.7.2
  • Cardano-parts deployed machines were upgraded to nixpkgs 23.11 and nix 2.19.3
  • Cardano-parts resource deployed environments were switched from the use of Terraform to OpenTofu

Lower level summary


  • Updated for cardano-node 8.7.2 and process-compose packages: capkgs-compare





  • Sanchonet update PR: cardano-world-pull-111
    • Merge the long running sanchonet-updated branch
    • Migrate explorers from ziti to wireguard tunnel usage
    • Remove remaining ziti code and provisioned resources
    • Retire remaining nomad jobs in preference of the cardano-playground environments
    • Downsize the cluster in preference of the cardano-playground environments


· One min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team made progress by releasing version 0.14.0, incorporating updates and improvements. They also updated dependencies in preparation for Conway support, addressing #1114. Additionally, the team completed substantial refactoring in hydra-node using stateless observation, aiming to enhance system efficiency and performance #1096. Lastly, they investigated regressions related to JSON serialized transactions and consider dropping this in favor of CBOR only submission.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Released version 0.14.0
  • Updated dependencies to prepare for Conway support #1114
  • Completed substantial refactoring in hydra-node using stateless observation #1096
  • Investigated regressions about JSON serialized transactions

What are the goals of next week

  • Analysed our mainnet head and why some transactions were invalid
  • Detect incompatible blocks and provide better UX
  • Update to newer cardano-node and Conway support in hydra-node
  • Draft the end-to-end workflow for incremental decommits

· 2 min read
Alexey Kuleshevich

High level summary

This period we reached a major milestone, namely we now have an initial version of Conway conformance testing working. We are now able to generate random valid data with the help of constraint based testing framework, apply that data to Conway Ledger rules and verify that the output matches to the one produced by the executable version of the Formal Ledger Specification, when it is applied to the same random data.

We also had a couple of Conway bugs fixed and a few new predicate check implemented. Get Constitutional Committee query is complete and tested. Various improvements to the testing tools. Addition of more test cases.

Low level summary


  • pull-3888 - Add checks for valid ProtVer when a proposal is a HardFork
  • pull-3902 - Fix pvCanFollow usage in Conway and improve clarity in Shelley
  • pull-3855 - Remove unreachable proposals
  • pull-3903 - Add lenient decoder for Addr
  • pull-3878 - Committee query - implement next epoch change


  • pull-3893 - Move tree-diff dependency to tests together with all instances
  • pull-3896 - Fix Brute force failure
  • pull-3904 - New ListWhere Pred added to the Constrained Solver.
  • pull-3907 - cardano-ledger-conformance: Remove from cabal file
  • pull-3883 - Committee QuerySpec Imp Test
  • pull-3909 - Make impAnn a bit more useful, by making the logs scoped by impAnn
  • pull-3908 - Use upstream testing instances for very basic types
  • pull-3912 - Removed call to tail, and the 'watchPulser' test
  • pull-3852 - Added constrained generators to conformance tests - Part 1

Improvements and releasing

· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

This week, the Mithril team made progress in adapting the Mithril client library for WASM compilation and providing a JavaScript API for it. They also completed the optimization of the aggregator's performance. Additionally, the team initiated the implementation of a testing Mithril network for SanchoNet and conducted threat modeling and risk analysis for P2P networking.

Finally, they enhanced the developer experience of the Mithril client library by providing ready-to-run examples in the repository and implemented a workflow to manually publish libraries on

Low level overview

  • Worked on the issue Light Wallet: Release mithril-client WASM library #1336
  • Worked on the issue P2P threat modeling and risk analysis #1350
  • Worked on the issue Create a test network on Sanchonet #1173
  • Worked on the issue Upgrade breaking changes crates #1357
  • Worked on the issue Enhance Mithril/Cardano node communication #1315
  • Completed the issue Enhance aggregator REST API performances #1327
  • Completed the issue Signer runtime is stuck for some SPO #1312
  • Completed the issue Make mithril-client examples full crates #1385
  • Completed the issue Manual publication to with GitHub action #1380
  • Completed the issue Remove sqlite dependency from mithril-client crate #1390