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· 2 min read
Alexey Kuleshevich

High level summary

Most notable progress is on testing. In particular data generation for conformance test has been improved and the implementation organized. Addition of various Conway related unit and property tests.


  • pull-4236 - Fix typo in ToJSON of ConwayGovState
  • pull-4250 - Add some ToJSON instances needed by cardano-node


  • pull-4221 - Fix a NoThunks test failure on nightly builds
  • pull-4214 - Fix estimateMinFeeTx w/ bootstrap test
  • pull-4189 - Imptests - treasury withdrawals
  • pull-4207 - Added tests from a bug report
  • pull-4238 - Imptests: ParameterChange affects ratification for in-flight proposals
  • pull-4243 - Convert small-steps testsuite to Hspec
  • pull-4248 - Fix withdrawals test data generation in EnactSpec
  • pull-4212 - Update and reorganize conformance tests
  • pull-4242 - Added UnitTestTools and IncrementalStakeTest

Infrastructure and releasing

Low level summary

· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

This week, the Mithril team continued implementing the certification of Cardano transactions in Mithril networks. They focused on scaling the signature and proof generation for mainnet, completed the incremental storage of transactions, activated the signature of the transactions on the testing-preview network, and prepared a new network to test the scaling on mainnet data. The team also made progress on a prototype for decentralizing signer registration with the relay and a peer-to-peer (P2P) network. Additionally, they worked on refactoring the database providers of the aggregator.

Finally, the team delivered a community requested feature that displays the minimum versions of the Cardano node that the signer supports in a machine-readable format. They also provided a manual setup guide for the relay in the SPO user guide.

Low level overview

  • Completed the issue Implement incremental storage of Cardano transactions in signer/aggregator #1591
  • Worked on the issue Mithril relay broadcasts signer registrations with P2P PubSub #1587
  • Worked on the issue Refactor database module in aggregator #1583
  • Worked on the issue ChainObserver supports retrieving the Chain Point of the tip of the chain #1589
  • Worked on the issue Create file with Cardano minimum versions in repository #1615
  • Worked on the issue Deploy testing-mainnet network #1617
  • Worked on the issue Add section for manual setup of squid in SPO guide #1610
  • Completed the issue Signer metrics server displays confusing log message #1620

· One min read
Daniel Firth

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team released hydra 0.16.0, which supports cardano-node 8.9.0 and can interpret conway blocks on the cardano-node. We have also updated some hydra clients to be compatible with the new hydra api format, including hydraw and kupo.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Update our head and hydraw instance to master (a release candidate)
  • Release 0.16.0 (without incremental decommits)
  • Reproduce close > contest > contest scenarios using stateful testing
  • Have end-to-end scenarios working for the improved /commit endpoint

What are the goals of next week

  • Complete the improved /commit endpoint to unblock users
  • Potentially release 0.17.0 (with improved /commit endpoint)
  • Wrap up the incremental decommit work including the decommit action into the new TxTrace tests
  • Use Versioned Ouroboros protocol for handshaking between nodes.
  • Update to cardano-api-8.44.

· One min read
Damian Nadales

High level summary

  • Made the LocalTxMonitor HasTx cross-era behavior less surprising.
  • Finalized the tests in ouroboros-consensus for the UTXO-HD branch, except the mempool-parallel test which is still failing sometimes.
  • Fixed an upstream complication in quickcheck-state-machine related to Parallel state machines which should allow us for an easier and more understandable setup of the parallel mempool tests.
  • Drafted parallel state machine testing infrastructure for quickcheck-dynamic. Eventually could be used to replace the QSM infra for mempool parallel tests.
  • Cleaned up the Cardano.API.LedgerState module, required for UTXO-HD integration.
  • We have been working on Node release 8.10. The changes upstream are integrated all the way to Node. Tests and benchmarks are pending. The versions of Consensus, Ledger, and Networking are released, and we will focus next on releasing CLI, API, and finally Node.

· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

This week, the Mithril team continued implementing the certification of Cardano transactions in Mithril networks. They focused on scaling the signature and proof generation for mainnet, completed the implementation of a more versatile beaconing mechanism, worked on implementing incremental storage of transactions, and fixed the bug in the block parser that prevented some Conway transactions from being signed. Additionally, they continued working on a prototype to decentralize signer registration with the relay and a peer-to-peer (P2P) network.

Finally, they enhanced the internal storage of data on the test aggregator server and addressed a source of flakiness in the CI end-to-end test.

Low level overview

  • Worked on the issue Implement incremental storage of Cardano transactions in signer/aggregator #1591
  • Completed the issue Support multiple beacon types in signer/aggregator #1562
  • Worked on the issue Mithril relay broadcasts signer registrations with P2P PubSub #1587
  • Completed the issue Provide fake aggregator data in an aggregated form #1594
  • Completed the issue Some transactions are not signed in testing-sanchonet #1577
  • Completed the issue End to end tests are flaky in CI #1558
  • Completed the issue npm publication fails in the release workflow #1595
  • Completed the issue Add indexes on foreign keys of SQLite stores #1603