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· One min read
Iñigo Querejeta Azurmendi

High level summary

The open fronts that the crypto team is working on are:

  • cardano-base: E2E tests for BLS bindings and KES agent
  • Sidechains: Implement ECC chip and Rescue hash primitives for ATMS
  • mithril: Full node verifier

Low level summary


  • RawBearer API in ouroboros-network-framework (; blocked due to issue with windows' localSnocket. Trying to resolve.
  • Adapting cardano-base for direct memory transfers between mlocked RAM and file descriptors #317.
  • Above, blocked by the simplification of typeclasses #404.
  • Provided e2e test cases to the testing team with aggregated signatures and schnorr signatures for the BLS bindings


  • Implementation of Full Node Verifier #939


  • ECC chip implemented for JubJub over BLS12-381
  • Rescue chip implemented for hashing.
  • Currently working on Schnorr signature (which uses the above constraints)

· 3 min read
Moritz Angermann

High level summary

The Developer Experience team has been devoted to day-to-day troubleshooting and support of various elements including build failures, compiler upgrades, the maintaince of our cardano-haskell-packages (CHaP), and infrastructure like GitHub Actions, iohk-nix, haskell.nix, and devx. Furthermore, we have also contributed to upstream tooling improvements.

Lower level summary

build support & maintainance

Our DevX team has been instrumental in troubleshooting and fixing a wide range of issues, from broken windows builds and obscure LoadDLL errors to blst integration across Nix and Github CI. We've also initiated automatic uploads for release assets. Our efforts in streamlining complex CI setups have paid off, with some repositories like cardano-base experiencing significant reductions in CI complexity.

compiler upgrades

After the support for 9.2 across our libraries, we have started working on 9.6 compabilitiy as well. This move brings us closer to the upstream compiler, facilitating the contribution of patches and enabling early detection of regressions. In addition, we're prioritizing compaining even stronger for better backwards compatibility.

CHaP (cardano-haskell-packages)

We relocated the underlying tooling, (foliage), for CHaP into the IOG organization. Furthermore, we have introduced improved tooling to quickly add constraints to packages, better error reporting for add-revision and better hackage url compatibility to facilitate easer usage of CHaP.

GitHub Actions

Our repository, input-output-hk/actions, now houses the necessary actions for installing pre-requisites to build Cardano projects using GitHub Actions. Leveraging the base and haskell install actions has allowed us to simplify workflows in the repos, focusing primarily on invoking cabal.


The iohk-nix repository has undergone a major revamp and now provides pre-built packages of the cryptographic libraries IOG utilizes for GitHub Runners. The key components we use, sodium, blst, and secp256k1, are also fixed to certain revisions within the iohk-nix repository.


Haskell.nix has been maintained and updated with the addition of GHC 9.6.2 and GHC 8.2.8. After discovering performance regression in the native bignum backend, we switched the default bignum backend to gmp.


The relatively new devx repository is where we experiment with a single nix development shell that aims to suffice for most use-cases at IOG. This initiative is expected to eliminate a number of CI failures related to project-build and shell interaction problems. The devx repository's readme has been updated to reflect its purpose and usage guidelines.

upstream tooling

Our team remains committed to enhancing upstream tooling, with ongoing contributions to GHC, Cabal, and Nix.

· 2 min read
Franco Testagrossa

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team worked on multiple fronts. They finished the investigation about the broken head on mainnet and re-opened their persistent head instance. The team also fixed the monthly report publication on their website and started sketching ideas and further improvements. Also, they are on the last mile to deliver a new feature which will allow parties to commit funds from extern wallets. Finally the team started to work on optimizing the performance on their benchmarks.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Finished investigation on broken head on mainnet #897 and re-opened it.
  • Added support for externally committing regular utxo #887
  • Fix monthly report publication on docs website and published the monthly report. Odd problems when publishing monthly report:
    • Make us think about if we should change something about the website #908
    • Open issue to docusaurus #9036
  • Fixed a bug in the benchmark process #910
  • Explored performance of the hydra-node{.verbatim} and identified a bottleneck.
  • Timed transaction feature is being used by the auction project 🎉

What are the goals of next week

  • Complete performance analysis and start/plan improvements and provide regular benchmarks for Hydra #186
  • Add hydra as tool to developer platform #872.
  • Authenticate network messages #727.
  • Complete journey for external commits using multiple script UTxOs #903
  • Start implementing Option B for external commits #215.

· One min read
Kostas Dermentzis

High level summary

We've made progress in all high level objectives

  • CIP-1694 integration design
  • UTxO-HD integration proof of concept
  • schema migrations with a focus on speeding up frequent queries is part of release
  • A new hire will help us with devx issues.

Lower level summary

· One min read
James Chapman

The team works on applied research and consulting in formal methods that is directly applicable to evidence based engineering in Core Tech and beyond.

High level summary

This sprint the team has been working on giving and preparing public talks, also on preparing final versions of their ICE 2023 papers, and on analysing chain selection.

This sprint the team has been working on final revisions for the pre-proceedings versions of two ICE 2023 papers.
