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· One min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team had a monthly review meeting with their stakeholders, contributors and interested people from the community. The monthly repot for January 2023 is a digest of the things presented and also includes a summary of the meeting. The Hydra specification was getting discussed and the team is incorporating suggested changes of reviewers. Last but not least, they compute and publish script information on every PR and also on the website now.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Had the monthly review meeting with a broader audience
  • Published the monthly report for January 2023
  • Reviewed the spec and discussed individual aborts with researchers
  • Compute and publish script information along benchmarks on every PR and website

What are the goals of next week

  • Add rollback section to Hydra spec, update pictures and publish it as part of repository
  • Discuss bigger spec findings (full minting policy, individual aborts, split fanout) as change/pull requests on the spec in the repository.
  • Groom & plan actions required for a maintainable Head explorer + break down align gaps feature.

· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

The Mithril team released a new 2302.0 distribution that activates the optimization of the snapshot digest computation on the signer and aggregator nodes. They have implemented a backward/forward compatibility mechanism for handling seamless soft updates of the Mithril networks without using synchronous updates when possible. The team also worked on the proof of concept to rely on an on-chain transaction to synchronously trigger the era switch of all the signer and aggregator nodes.

Finally, they finished upgrading the devnet, fixed the flakiness issues in the end-to-end tests of the CI, and upgraded the SPO documentation to set up a Mithril signer node.

Low level overview

  • Released the new distribution 2302.0
  • Implemented a backward/forward compatibility mechanism for API messages #688:
    • Implement the mechanism for the signer registration #689
    • Implement the mechanism for the signature registration #693
    • Implement the mechanism for epoch settings #695
    • Implement the mechanism for certificate pending #696
    • Implement the mechanism for certificate #697
    • Implement the mechanism for snapshots list #698
    • Implement the mechanism for snapshot #699
    • Update enforcement of API version with Semver #705
  • Completed the PoC implementation of backward compatibility with protobuf #677
  • Completed the PoC implementation of backward compatibility with avro #678
  • Completed the PoC to Read/Write transaction on chain for Era activations #672
  • Completed the upgrade Cardano devnet to 1.35.4 #523

· 3 min read
Damian Nadales

High level summary

During the past two weeks, the consensus team finished the testing activities around the UTxO-HD prototype. This is a very important milestone which will enable us to run system-level tests and benchmarks, as well as start refactoring and cleaning the prototype. Regarding our Genesis workstream, we elaborated a roadmap that gives an indication of the remaining work. We also continued our work on benchmarking chain-sync-jumping. We also continued working on improving the way we handle blocks from the future, and advancing the integration of the new VRF and KES crypto.


UTxO HD Prototype

As the prototype is nearing its completion, it was important to have enough confidence that we will be able to move additional parts of the ledger state onto disk. We worked together with the Ledger team to elaborate a sketch on how the UTxO-HD design would accommodate the migration of additional data from memory to disk. This gave us enough confidence that the current architecture will be extensible in the future.

On the testing front, we added property-based tests for the UTxO-HD type classes.

We also enabled disabled components, and addressed several technical debt issues:

  • Implement splitSized anti-diff split (#4269), and integrate it into consensus (#4273).
  • Renaming of peekVal to peekMDBVal (#7).

We ran ad-hoc benchmarks for syncing a chain from scratch and replaying. We found a race condition in the LMDB backing store, which we fixed. After the fix we were able to successfully run these benchmarks. The results were published by this pull request.

We used our db-analyser tool to benchmark the cost of reading keys and flushing values to disk. The following plot shows the duration of these disk operation in relation to the main ledger operations, where we can see that the cost of the former are comparatively low. The spike at the beginning of the graph is when, at the start of the Shelley era, the entire UTxO set is flushed to disk.

UTxO-HD read and flush benchmarks

After months of hard work adding tests for the prototype, we are ready to run end-to-end tests on the node, and system level benchmarks. This signals a very important milestone for the UTxO-HD workstream 🎉.


We elaborated a high-level decomposition of the remaining work for Genesis. We also continued benchmarking the chain-sync-jumping happy-path.

Technical debt

We continued working on improving the way we handle blocks from the future.


We completed the mapping of Crypto to HeaderCrypto and body Crypto. HeaderCrypto is moved to cardano-protocol-tpraos. We created a draft pull request to facilitate compiling consensus.

· 2 min read
Jordan Millar

2023-01-25 - 2023-02-07

High level summary

General clean up (error message improvement) and focus on CI maintenance. Multiple pools now supported in the cardano-cli query stake-snapshot command.



CI & project maintenance

Developer experience





In Progress

CI & project mainteance





· 2 min read
Iñigo Querejeta Azurmendi

High level summary

The open fronts that the crypto team is working on are:

  • Mithril: We explored whether some uses of transmute could be removed, but it resulted in considerable regression.
  • cardano-base: Some issues with Nix are blocking merge of VRF update. BLS12-381 benchmarks where quite satisfactory. Next steps will be defined by cryptography strategic decision.
  • KES agent: An inconsistency between contra-tracer available in hackage and the one in cardano-haskell delayed our progress. Now we are adapting PRs to the contra-tracer used by consensus.

Low level summary


  • We removed the usage of transmute in mithril-core (and exchanged it with ser/deser, as unfortunately there is no other way with the library we currently use). However, the benchmarks showed an important regression - ~30% worse on average PR#675. We decided to keep transmute, but instead group all its usage in helper functions, to facilitate auditing.
  • We are writing a RFP for the audit of the core library.


  • A problem with Nix is blocking merge of PR#341
  • Plutus team ran benchmarks of BLS12-381 built-ins. The results are satisfactory, and while we have yet not implemented SNARK verification in plutus, it all seems to point that we'll be able to verify some proofs in a single script execution.
  • Team is fully digesting the Plonk paper.
  • There's been a lot of discussions (with internal and external projects) regarding pairings in plutus, and what elliptic curve should be used.

KES agent

  • A little unforseen delay has been caused by a mismatch in the use of contra-tracer. The one in hackage and that in cardano-haskell are not compatible. Unfortunately, for secure forgetting we use that of hackage, and now realised. We are doing the change, but still the CI is not happy.
  • The same was needed for the KES agents prerequisites PR#317.
  • We've started working with the agent itself again, upgrading the cardano-base dependency and adding ouroboros-network-framework dependency