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· One min read
Martin Kourim

High level summary

Since the last update (2023-1-13) we did more improvements on our Test Framework, added more automated tests, kept analyzing and fixing nightly jobs failures, tested the 1.35.5 and 1.35.6 releases (and their predecessing release candidates) and ran tests on branch with the UTxO-HD functionality.


Framework improvements:

  • improvements in searching for unexpected error messages in log files during test run
  • added support for UTxO-HD testing
  • added support for the new P2P topology format
  • added local cluster variant that has the same properties as mainnet (epoch length, fees, etc.)
  • added preliminary support for the Conway era
  • added support for running tests on the Preview testnet

Full list of closed PRs


  • ran tests on node branch with the UTxO-HD functionality
  • tested the 1.35.5 release
  • tested the 1.35.6 release


  • improvements in db-sync sync tests
  • improvements in db-sync functional tests

· One min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra had a team workshop and conducted the monthly review meeting for March. They demonstrated a Hydra Head on mainnet, which was running the hydraw demo application. While this marks an important milestone, they also emphasized that more features are still to be added as needed for applications to run on Hydra. Besides this, the roadmap is getting cleaned up to encourage discussions and provide more space for user requests.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Monthly review meeting slides/recording, full report of March next week
    • Opened a head on mainnet with hydraw demonstration
    • Hydra pay updates
  • Team workshop in Austria
    • Hydra presentation at the Cardano Foundation in Zurich
    • In-person grooming session, marked many items as candidates to be rather :idea: dicussions
    • Improved head protocol #786 and investigated a potential bug in rollback handling #784
    • Team building and retrospective

What are the goals of next week

  • Follow-up on backlog and roadmap clean-up
  • Complete mainnet compatibility feature (documentation updates)
  • Make API more configurable #380
  • Integrate Hydra specification into repository #693

· One min read
Kostas Dermentzis

High level summary

The DBSync team worked in performance enhancements issues, on providing new db-sync options and on technical debt and bug fixing. The DBSync team also on boarded a new member.

Low level summary

  • Worked on an issue which causes ada_pots tables to include the values related not only to an epoch, but also the first epoch of the last epoch. #1367
  • Fixed an issue where the epoch table didn't rollback and caused wrong values #1370
  • Fixed an issue were users with disable-ledger option had to provide the state dir option, even though it was never used. Also refactored the no ledger part of the codebase. #1378
  • Improved the perforance by using the cache more. Also provided many new options which enables or disables parts of db-sync. In addition a new --turbo mode is enables which allows db-sync to sync mainnet in hours. #1379

· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

The Mithril team released a new 2310.0 distribution that activates the era switch mechanism. They also kept implementing the migration of the aggregator stores to a relational design with the first adaptation of the stake pool store, and then the adaptation of the epoch settings & signed entity type stores. They have implemented the handling of the network API version from the Open API specifications and its automatic switch at era transition. Additionally, they optimized the stake distribution computation that now happens only once per epoch, and also enhanced the client multi-platform workflow to test the Docker images.

Finally, they have successfully completed the tests to create certificates and snapshots on a network running on the Cardano mainnet and they have fixed some bugs.

Low level overview

  • Completed the epic that implements eras behavior switch #707:
    • Completed handling the API version switch at era transition #727
  • Worked on the epic that implements a relational store in the aggregator #779:
    • Completed on the migration/adaptation of the stake_pool table #787
    • Worked on the migration/adaptation of the epoch_settings table #813
    • Worked on the migration/adaptation of the signed-entity-type table #815
    • Completed the creation of a stake distribution service #799
  • Completed the testing of Mithril with Cardano mainnet network #777
  • Completed qualifying the computation of the stake distribution #810
  • Completed the testing of the Docker client in the Mithril Client multi-platform test workflow #794
  • Worked on bugs and optimizations:
    • Fixed a bug that made computation of the stake distribution occur multiple times during an epoch #804
    • Fixed a bug that created deadlocks on the SQLite connection #807
    • Optimized the error message and the behavior of the signer node when KES keys have expired #820
    • Upgraded the infrastructure of the testing-preview and pre-release-preview networks #801
    • Re-genesis of the testing-preview network #803
    • Re-genesis of the pre-release-preview network #818

· One min read
Damian Nadales

High level summary

This week the consensus team continued working on the refactoring of the UTxO HD prototype, and design and testing of Genesis. We also extracted the fs-sim package, which provides a file-system abstraction layer that can be used for testing and simulation. This makes the Consensus code base smaller, while providing a package that the community can reuse and contribute to. We also fixed a failing property test related to iterators. We are also working on mempool and VRF improvements.

Low-level details