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· 3 min read
Jared Corduan

High level summary

The ledger team completed some preliminary ground work in preparation for CIP-1694 (restructuring the ledger state), fixed the PDF hosting problem (mostly the formal specs), built out more of the new user-friendly ledger API, finished a proof of concept for constraint-based generators for property tests (with the hopes of being able to replace our trace generators one day), and addressed technical debt.

Lower level summary

Restructuring the ledger state

The existing governance structures will be replace in the conway ledger era, as described in CIP-1694. In particular, the ledger rules will be restructured as follows:

v v
| |
|---------| |
v v v
| |
|----------| |--------|-------------------|-----------|
v v v v v
| | |
|---------|------------| v |
v v v DELPL v
|--------| |
v v v

-..- Removed
+..+ Added
~..~ Modified

Moreover, the ledger state will also be restructured in accordance with the new rules. In the conway code, we have now removed UPEC, added TALLY, and stubbed ENACTMENT. We have also adapted all the data structures in the ledger state.


PDF hosting

We now build all of our PDFs using a GitHub action which is triggered by pushing a tag with a specific form, cardano-ledger-spec-YYYY-MM-DD. The action creates a GitHub release containing the PDFs. The links in the main ledger README now point to the PDFs in the latest release.


Powering the new ledger API

We have now removed all the HasField instances from the protocol parameter data types, and replaced them with lenses. This is probably the last major restructuring that the ledger team will do on the code base for the API for a while (the Plutus tools team will be working on it next, see here). We also added a new helpful function ensureMinCoinTxOut.


Constraint-based generators

Our largest scale property tests generate an initial ledger state and a long sequence of valid blocks which span several epochs, mimicking a real network. These tests are, in theory, excellent for checking properties. They are, however, very difficult to maintain and are not as random as we would like (a lot of bias has to be introduced to keep the ledger state in enough order to keep generating blocks).

We would like to switch to tests which instead generate a random ledger state representative of not just an initial state, generate a single random valid block, and then test our properties. The hope is that these will be much more random and easier to maintain.

We have finished a proof of concept are encouraged that this approach could work!


Technical debt

  • pull-3244 massive CI speedup
  • pull-3249 better types for fees in the protocol parameters
  • pull-3264 move our annotator code to the cardano-ledger-binary package where it belongs
  • pull-3239 move the Wdrls type to the Core module.

· One min read
Kostas Dermentzis

High level summary

After spending the last months on improving DBSync and releasing the DBSync team focused the last weeks on integrating upstream changes and tech debt. This includes integrating CHaP, the new leger core and ghc-9.2.4

Lower level summary

  • Integrate CHaP #1331
  • Integrate new ledger core and ghc-9.2 #1332
  • Technical debt: Add code formatter fourmolu #1334
  • Preparing and tracking Conway and UTxO integration

· 2 min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

Since last weekly update before christmas, the Hydra team worked on the technical specification, closed gaps in hydra-plutus scripts, made the unique headId available to Hydra clients through the API, allow the hydra-node to explicitly synchronize from genesis (if configured), and fixed smaller log and build issues reported by new users.

Besides this, a retrospective blog post was published by Matthias Benkort (CF) on Hydra, summarizing our progress made in 2022 also an outlook where Hydra is headed for in 2023. Also, the team had some first sessions on the voting project with Catalyst and the CF.

A full digest monthly digest for December 2022 can be found on the hydra website.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Had some first sessions on the voting project with Catalyst and CF
  • Published retrospective blog post by Matthias Benkort (CF) on Hydra, summarizing our progress made in 2022 also an outlook where Hydra is headed for in 2023.
  • Worked on the LaTeX spec for HydraHeadV1, not final or published yet - latest version in this repository.
  • Add unique headId to API and hence make it available to clients.
  • Allow hydra-node to explicitly synchronize from genesis using --start-chain-from 0.
  • Closed gaps in hydra-plutus scripts
    • bounded transaction validity (ADR21)
    • enforcing contract continuity via state token in output
  • Fixed JSON for some logs and smaller build issues reported by new users.

What are the goals of next week

  • Reach out to have hydra-tutorial integrated.
  • Plan the next couple of months.
  • Complete checking reimbursing of commits in head validator.
  • Align plutus scripts to spec and simplify them (identified some simplifications)
  • Improve mutation framework to be sure we fail tests for the right reasons
  • Complete the spec except the open points (<5) and also discuss them with researchers.

· One min read
Samuel Leathers

Node Reelease Update

2022-11-02 - 2023-01-13

Executive Summary

A 1.35.5 release for single relay P2P is nearly completed and should be released this month. This release is based on release/1.35 branch and does not bump cardano-ledger.

The team successfully integrated an interim release bump of ledger and consensus into cardano-node master. This work will not be released in a node version, but will be continued by the current dependency bump in progress.

We anticipate once this dependency bump is completed, regular 2 week releases will be feasible again.

The 1.35.4 release is being ran by more than 70% of stake pools. Planning for the mainnet hard fork date is in progress.


In Progress

· One min read
Dorin Solomon

High level summary

During the last 2 weeks we did more improvements on our Test Framework, ran some sanity tests related to the P2P Single Relay functionality.

We also update the Node & DB-Sync sync tets to build with Nix as the prebuilt files are no longer available at PR level.


Framework improvements:

  • extended the cardano-node-tests with the ability for anybody to fork the repo and run all our System Tests on GitHub Actions
  • added 2 new nightly pipelines - nightly-mixed and nightly-p2p - details here
  • some optimizations on how our regression tests are scheduled on pytest workers and how cluster instances are assigned to the tests;

=== 743 passed, 67 skipped, 24 xfailed in 9166.64s (2:32:46) === to === 753 passed, 67 skipped, 14 xfailed in 4654.80s (1:17:34) ===


  • ran a couple of sanity runs of CLI a& sync tests on a local branch with P2P Single Relay enabled
  • started the preparations for testing the next tag - details here


  • some improvements on db-sync sync tests