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Open-Source Update

· 3 min read
Marcin Szamotulski

Open Source Quarterly Update

2022-11 - 2023-01


In the last quarter the open-source initiative delivered a comprehensive report on the state of our repositories. As part of this work stream we identified the key open-source repositories for the cardano project across all the projects From a list of more than 500 repositories (some of which are forks) we identified key repositories which constitute the core of Cardano. 20 of them were identified as to be transferred to the future MBO which will govern Cardano development. Some where excluded (like io-sim and typed-protocols), to be govern by IOG, since they have a much broader application than Cardano itself, and thus we think their open-source future will be better outside of the Cardano umbrella.

Christian Taylor identified a number of ways we can improve our repositories to make them more attractive for open-source contributions by analysing each of them. This includes adding or improving various documentation files, like CONTRIBUTING files, adding code of conduct, improving readme files, issue & pull request templates etc. Christian also computed various interesting metrics which gives a very good insight into the development practices: e.g. average merge ratio, average number of reviews, comments and many more! The presentation is available here.

We followed with work on the Cardano Engineering Handbook. We included a standard code of conduct which is now used by most important projects in the Cardano space. We included cardano-node's security policy and added a responsible disclosure policy. We also described how roles and responsibilities should be clarified. This progress was made by a collaborative effort of the Cardano Core, Plutus and Architecture teams, and it wouldn't be possible without Michael Peyton Jones, Arnaud Bailly, Kevin Hammond, Jared Corduan and Marcin Szamotulski.

We also improved the documentation of key repositories, by adding description, improving their README file & CONTRIBUTING files, adding code of conducts following the Cardano Engineering Handbook. This includes improvements to:

And also

The work was carried by Marcin Szamotulski, Addie Girouard and Jared Corduan.

In this quarter we also identified a number of projects which can be published to Hackage (Haskell's package repository) or crate (Rust package repository). The list contains 21 packages, 2 of which (hedgehog-extras and quickcheck-dynamic) are already published on Hackage and another 5 (from the io-sim repository) are close to be published.

Detailed log

The progress of the open-source project is tracked in this project.