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SRE Q3 2023 Update

· One min read
John Lotoski

2023-07 - 2023-09

Main achievements

In addition to ongoing general maintenance and support of cardano environments, main SRE achievements for this quarter include:

  • Completion of mainnet relay networking conversion to p2p topology
  • Cardano sanchonet environment respins for testing new cardano-node pre-release Conway era functionality
  • Stabilization of cardano-explorer in cardano-world using high IOPS bare metal machines
  • Creation of a nix content addressed packages repository, capkgs:
    • To provide lightweight release binaries thereby avoiding sluggish nix flakes and devShells
  • Creation of a cardano performance benchmarking cluster, cardano-perf:
    • To replace legacy cluster benchmark tooling
  • Creation of a cardano cluster composition repository, cardano-parts:
    • For enabling multi-cluster, multi-role cardano network deployments
  • Creation of a cardano testnets repository, cardano-playground:
    • Utilizing cardano-parts for testnet deployments
  • Creation of a sanchonet demo repository, sanchonet-demo:
    • Utilizing cardano-parts for fast sanchonet test environment and demo purposes

Next steps

  • Continue with migration of cardano-world testnets to cardano-playground
  • Proceed with spinup of mainnet p2p bootstrap cluster
  • Scale down mainnet non-p2p legacy cluster at the appropriate time