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50 posts tagged with "consensus"

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ยท 3 min read
Damian Nadales

High level summaryโ€‹

During the past two weeks, the consensus team finished the testing activities around the UTxO-HD prototype. This is a very important milestone which will enable us to run system-level tests and benchmarks, as well as start refactoring and cleaning the prototype. Regarding our Genesis workstream, we elaborated a roadmap that gives an indication of the remaining work. We also continued our work on benchmarking chain-sync-jumping. We also continued working on improving the way we handle blocks from the future, and advancing the integration of the new VRF and KES crypto.


UTxO HD Prototypeโ€‹

As the prototype is nearing its completion, it was important to have enough confidence that we will be able to move additional parts of the ledger state onto disk. We worked together with the Ledger team to elaborate a sketch on how the UTxO-HD design would accommodate the migration of additional data from memory to disk. This gave us enough confidence that the current architecture will be extensible in the future.

On the testing front, we added property-based tests for the UTxO-HD type classes.

We also enabled disabled components, and addressed several technical debt issues:

  • Implement splitSized anti-diff split (#4269), and integrate it into consensus (#4273).
  • Renaming of peekVal to peekMDBVal (#7).

We ran ad-hoc benchmarks for syncing a chain from scratch and replaying. We found a race condition in the LMDB backing store, which we fixed. After the fix we were able to successfully run these benchmarks. The results were published by this pull request.

We used our db-analyser tool to benchmark the cost of reading keys and flushing values to disk. The following plot shows the duration of these disk operation in relation to the main ledger operations, where we can see that the cost of the former are comparatively low. The spike at the beginning of the graph is when, at the start of the Shelley era, the entire UTxO set is flushed to disk.

UTxO-HD read and flush benchmarks

After months of hard work adding tests for the prototype, we are ready to run end-to-end tests on the node, and system level benchmarks. This signals a very important milestone for the UTxO-HD workstream ๐ŸŽ‰.


We elaborated a high-level decomposition of the remaining work for Genesis. We also continued benchmarking the chain-sync-jumping happy-path.

Technical debtโ€‹

We continued working on improving the way we handle blocks from the future.


We completed the mapping of Crypto to HeaderCrypto and body Crypto. HeaderCrypto is moved to cardano-protocol-tpraos. We created a draft pull request to facilitate compiling consensus.

ยท 3 min read
Damian Nadales

High level summaryโ€‹

The consensus team is resuming its activities after the Christmas break. During these weeks we focused on cleaning and benchmarking the UTxO-HD prototype, and discussing with the Ledger team the changes that might be required for the next iterations. The pull request that adds the Conway era is waiting for a second review round and we hope to merge it soon. On the technical debt side we are looking into a property-test failure found in the iterators. We are investigating if this is an error in the model or in the implementation. We also improved the documentation of our testing code.


UTxO HD Prototypeโ€‹

We worked with the Ledger team to start preparing the next versions of UTxO-HD. The Ledger team is concerned that for the remaining maps we might need the full ledger state on epoch boundaries. Since the main consumer of the ledger rules is Consensus, the code that requires access to a full state could be moved from the ledger to some Ledger-Consensus bridge. Eg. the traversal of rewards could take place in such bridge, instead of querying the ledger for the values that are required in the epoch-transition computations.

We relocated some UTxO-HD definitions, in preparation for merging the prototype into master.

We also completed updated local benchmarks comparing the replay time and memory consumption of:

  • the baseline node (f2fc76ef45647275c98634da1718290b976ff364)
  • the UTxO-HD node with the in-memory backend
  • the UTxO-HD node with the LMDB backend

The following plot shows the results: we can see that the LMDB node barely reaches 8GB of memory, but it takes 1.78 times longer to replay the chain. The in-memory backend is about 30 minutes faster, but still slower than the baseline version. We are aware of this phenomenon and it is inherent to the problem of maintaining sequences of differences of the last k ledger states that allows us to perform rollback and roll-forward. We are in the process of measuring syncing from scratch times.

We also added StaticEither accessors that helped us to simplify the UTxO-HD prototype.

New Conway eraโ€‹

We incorporated the feedback of the pull request, and rebased this branch on top of master. The PR is pending a second review round and we hope to merge this soon.

Technical debtโ€‹

We are investigating a property-testing failure involving iterators. Solving this requires understanding the expected behavior of iterators in the counterexample found by QuickCheck to determine if the error is in the model or in the implementation.

Fostering collaborationโ€‹

We moved the contents of docs/ closer to the code, so that the explanations about the tests are easier to find in the relevant modules, and the documentation is easier to keep up to date.

ยท 3 min read
Damian Nadales

High level summaryโ€‹

During the past two weeks, the Consensus team finalized the QSM tests for the backing store and Mempool on the UTxO-HD branch with important discoveries regarding parallel QSM testing. We also worked with the Ledger team to envisage the modifications that are required in Ledger and Consensus to accommodate the changes in the crypto VRF and KES. The db-analyser now supports bechmarking the ledger operations, which will allow us to identify, debug, and profile potential performance problems. We drafted a document that defines how to manage the versions of Consensus-related packages. The top level documentation of ouroboros-network now features a description of the consensus components and provides a hyperlinked map to the modules documentation.


UTxO HD prototypeโ€‹

Whereas we had passing sequential state-machine tests for the mempool, the parallel case proved to be more challenging than we thought. The operation of adding a list of transactions to the mempool is not atomic and, as a result, when adding a list of transactions, transactions from other processes can be added in between. The mempool implementation handles this correctly, however this required us to redesign the parallel model we had to take the lack of atomicity into account.

Backing store property testsโ€‹

We finished refactoring the backing store property tests. The second review round is ongoing.

LSM tree implementationโ€‹

We are working on benchmarking (in terms of time and number of IO operations) fetching/looking up data from disk.


We worked on the design of a mechanism to prevent a DoS attack on our Genesis design related to rollbacks. This was arguably the biggest outstanding question.

During the discussions around Genesis, we noticed a design boundary that nicely delineates a fundamental component. We almost have a full Haskell prototype of it. It will be very nicely self-contained, perhaps even usable in the ultimate implementation!

New VRF and KES crypto integrationโ€‹

We collaborated with the Ledger team on preparing the ledger state and crypto types to avoid huge allocation on the epoch boundary when changing aspects of the crypto that will only manifest in headers, not in the ledger states.

Technical debtโ€‹

We merged the pull-request that adds a support to db-analyser for benchmarking ledger operations. This will allow us to identify, debug, and profile potential performance problems. The benchmark focus on the main 5 ledger operations that are involved in chain syncing, block forging, and block validation, namely:

  1. Forecast.
  2. Header tick.
  3. Header application.
  4. Block tick.
  5. Block application.

The following figure shows a plot of the benchmarking results for the first 65 million blocks (approximately) of the Cardano chain. The thin yellow lines under the x-axis show the epoch boundaries, whereas the thick yellow lines correspond to the era transitions.

As we can see in this figure, era and epoch boundaries require more computation time. The ledger team are aware of this problem, and we are working to improve this situation.

Fostering collaborationโ€‹

We drafted a document motivating and defining how Consensus (and possibly other core teams) will/should manage our package versions. This pull-request garnered many great discussions from our team members and other teams too: Sebastian Nagel, Arnaud Bailly, Michael Peyton-Jones, Ziyang Liu, et al. We want to thank you all for your input, and we found this discussion very enlightening!

We merged the pull request that adds an overview of consensus to the top level documentation of ouroboros-network. This overview describes the consensus components and adds a hyperlinked map to the modules documentation.

ยท 3 min read
Damian Nadales

High level summaryโ€‹

During the past two weeks, the consensus team merged improvements to the monadic cursor API that was needed to implement LMDB range reads, which is in turn required for the implementation of the UTxO HD feature. We added tables to several tests in for the UTxO HD feature, which increases our confidence in the correctness of the prototype. The mempool property tests are close to being completed. Also, we finished the LSM tree tuning algorithm.

On the Genesis front we started simplifying the BlockFetch logic with CSJ-specific workloads in mind.

We are also documenting the Block Diffusion Pipelining feature, and added a high-level overview of consensus to the top level documentation of ouroboros-network.


UTxO HD prototypeโ€‹

We merged the implementation of a monadic cursor API (#1)) which was needed to solve a bug with LMDB range-reads. After this PR was merged, we focused on bridging the gap between the lmdb-simple interface and consensus by facilitating using lmdb-simple's cursor API without Serialise constraints (#3).

We refactored the backing store property tests to use quickcheck-lockstep (#4081).

We added tables to the mock ledger in the UTxO-HD feature branch (#4184). Every test that used to run with SimpleBlocks now uses tables. This will enable us to exercise the UTxO HD mempool integration by leveraging the existing mempool property-tests. The new state-machine property-tests are still needed for testing the parallel behaviour of the mempool.

Our work on the mempool state-machine tests revealed the need for improvements in the quickcheck-state-machine library. Parallel testing assumed that the state machine did not have access to mutable references. However, the mempool tests require the use of such mutable references for mocking the ledger interface. As a result, our parallel tests were failing with rather obscure messages. @Jasagredo submitted a pull request (#12) that allows for new mutable references to be created at each run of the state machine.

Backing store property testsโ€‹

LSM tree implementationโ€‹

We finished the LSM Tree tuning algorithm. We are currently tidying up the code and gathering results (i.e., plots and their interpretation).

CSJ prototypeโ€‹

We started simplifying the BlockFetch logic with CSJ-specific workloads in mind.

New VRF and KES crypto integrationโ€‹

Started working on supporting new version of StandardCrypto which uses compact KES and batched VRF (#4151).

Technical debtโ€‹

We reviewed the existing state of the Block Diffusion Pipelining document. We are now working on the "Implementation" section (#4020).

Fostering collaborationโ€‹

We cleared up our understanding of the error dynamics of forecasting (#4146 and #4174).

We submitted a pull request that adds an overview of consensus to the top level documentation of ouroboros-network (#4197). This overview describes the consensus components and adds a hyperlinked map to the modules documentation.

ยท 6 min read
Damian Nadales

High-level summaryโ€‹

During the past two weeks, the consensus team started documenting the implementation of the UTxO HD feature and continued developing tests for it. As part of our work on UTxO HD, we improved the Haskell support for LMDB. We also spent time working on the LSM tree prototype, and designed a parameter tuning algorithm for it. Regarding our work on Genesis, our investigation of the "plateaus" pointed at the TICKF slowdown on era boundaries as culprit. This led us to developing a caching strategy that will not only remove the aforementioned "plateaus", but can help alleviating the growing block production delay on epoch switch. We also helped reviewing the block forge credential hotswap feature, which is intended for use in the adoption of P2P.

We also worked on paying technical debt and fostering collaboration. In particular, we improved the io-sim framework, which is crucial for testing and simulating Cardano components. We also removed thunks that appeared on era translations, and improved our diffusion pipelining feature. We are working on a presentation for explaining Praos and Genesis.

High-level status reportโ€‹

  • Finish the UTxO HD prototype: in progress.
    • We added documentation for this feature.
    • We developed the second version of the mempool tests.
    • We fixed benchmarks that were inflating the speedup we observed in the anti-diff implementation of sequences of differences. Speedups are now in the range of [3.33, 4.75], which remain significant.
    • We continued improving Haskell LMDB support.
    • We finished implementing a "parameter tuning algorithm" for the LSM tree prototype. This enables us to run experiments to check the correctness of the algorithm.
  • Genesis: in progress.
    • Work investigating the "plateaus" in the ChainSync jumping prototype pointed to the TICKF slowdown on era boundaries as culprit.
  • Tech debt:
    • We improved the capabilities of our io-sim library, which is crucial for testing and simulating Cardano components.
    • We removed thunks from epoch translations in the ledger.
    • We added Linux CI support for lmdb-simple.
    • We got pending diffusion pipelining improvements merged.
  • Fostering collaboration:
    • We are working on a explanation of Praos and Genesis protocols.
  • Support:
    • Investigation of CSJ "plateaus" led us to developing a caching strategy for TICKF that will not only remove these "plateaus", but can help alleviating the growing block production delay on epoch switch.
    • We reviewed the block forge credential hotswapping feature which is intended for use in the adoption of P2P.


Finish the UTxO HD prototypeโ€‹

We merged PR #4060, which adds a report documenting the UTxO HD feature, and puts emphasis in explaining how the mempool works in combination with UTxO HD.

We opened a draft PR with the second iteration of the property tests for the mempool (#4076).

We fixed the Arbitrary instances for keys and values in DiffSeq benchmarks (#4143). The problem was that we were testing with mostly small values, which artificially boosted the performance gains we saw on benhcmarks. Speedups are now in the range of [3.33, 4.75] across the different configurations.

Backing store property testsโ€‹

We focused on incorporating feedback on the monadic cursor API PR (#1). This required us to make small tweaks to quickcheck-lockstep to test the new API. We also updated the backing store property tests to use the new version of the monadic cursor API.

LSM tree implementationโ€‹

We worked on the LSM tree prototype. In particular: finished implementing a "parameter tuning algorithm" that adapts the LSM tree design based on factors like:

  • workload
  • machine specs,
  • and characteristics of the data being stored.

We are now running experiments to gather results and cross-reference them with existing experimental results from the LSM tree paper to see if the algorithm is working correctly.

Benchmarking the CSJ prototypeโ€‹

We focused on investigating the "plateaus" in the ChainSync tip, which turned out to be due to the TICKF bug which we previously were only aware of in the context of the long forging times near epoch boundaries. For the most drastic patch by @nfrisby to speed up TICKF, full sync is speeding up by 7%.

The following plot shows that by caching the TICKF the ChainSync tip and the VolatileDB tip progress at the same rate.

The plot below shows the speedup observed by caching the TICKF rule wrt the baseline.

Technical debtโ€‹

After addressing the PR comments, we merged PR #16, which implements the MonadCatch instance for STM. This extends the capability of our io-sim library, which is crucial for testing and simulating Cardano components PR #16 closed #1461. This new feature was published as version of io-sim.

We continued with our work fixing the NoThunk errors required for enabling nightly tests, with the help of TVarInvariant checks in strict-stm and nothunks libraries. We proposed fixes in cardano-ledger that took care of thunks that appeared in era translations (#3143). The fixes will be integrated back into consensus when cardano-ledger approves and publish the changes introduced in #3143.

We added CI support for lmdb-simple (#2). We currently test the build on a Linux environment only.

We got pending diffusion pipelining PRs (#3857, #3860, #3856) merged, after rebasing and addressing feedback.

Fostering collaborationโ€‹

@nfrisby finished a visualisation tool and outlined scripts for the Praos and Genesis explanation presentations. The idea is to produce a video that gives an overview of these protocols.


We started working on caching the computation of the TICKF rule (#4054), since this was blocking our benchmarking work for Genesis. In addition, this issue has the Cardano community quite concerned, so we are hoping the work done in caching the computation of the TICKF rule can help alleviating the growing block production delay on epoch switch.

We reviewed the block forge credential hotswapping PR #3800 from the networking team, which is intended for use in the adoption of P2P.