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18 posts tagged with "db-sync"

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· One min read
Kostas Dermentzis

High level summary

We have created a DBSync tag sancho-1-1-0 which can follow sanchonet. Also the team has ran a number of benchmarks and tests for the new options/flavours of DBSync and prepared a blogpost which summorises them, for downstream components.

Lower level summary

  • Integration of node-8.3.x and support for Sanchonet on Conway #1498
  • Simplifications of new feautures #1496
  • Makes it impossible to restart DBSync with different schema options and adds tests for them #1466
  • CI fixes #1494#1491
  • Prepared a blogpost about different DBSync options blog

· One min read
Kostas Dermentzis

High level summary

We have integrated many new Conway feutures and allow db-sync to sync sanchonet. We also continued testing and improving the new db-sync options.

Lower level summary

  • Conway integration #1484
  • Support for Sanchonet #1476
  • Stake distribution is computed earlier #1484
  • Deposit ledger events are now used. This reduces the db queries and makes syncing faster #1484
  • Testing new db-sync options #1466
  • Added support for ghc-9.6 #1479
  • Tech debt: improve exceptions #1471

· One min read
Kostas Dermentzis

High level summary

We've made progress in all high level objectives

  • CIP-1694 integration design
  • UTxO-HD integration proof of concept
  • schema migrations with a focus on speeding up frequent queries is part of release and tested
  • Many devx issues resolved

Lower level summary

  • We have improved and validated the design for the Conway integration in db-sync
  • Improved the initial integration of the UTxO-HD feauture branches which are under test
  • Prepared a new release which supports node 8.1.1 #1455.
  • This also fixes a bug #1451
  • Added new tests to the new tx_out options #1429
  • Fixed a chronic issue in db-sync related to exception handling and concurrency This fixes many other issues and simplifies the logic in db-sync #1447
  • A number of fixes and improvements in ci, docker, devx, docs #1436#1442#1448#1452

· One min read
Kostas Dermentzis

High level summary

We've made progress in all high level objectives

  • CIP-1694 integration design
  • UTxO-HD integration proof of concept
  • schema migrations with a focus on speeding up frequent queries is part of release
  • A new hire will help us with devx issues.

Lower level summary

· One min read
Kostas Dermentzis

High level summary

Lower level summary

  • Prepared a schema change which is expected to speed up queries and help clients #1389.
  • Ran a big number of benchmarks on the above to evaluate if this change is reasonable.
  • Performance optimization related to rewards #1382
  • Using the cache in more places to reduce recourses usage #1380
  • Evaluated risks related to UTXO-HD integration
  • Worked on a feauture request to split the tx_out to an address table #1396
  • Worked on another feauture request to prune the consumed entries from the tx_out table #1398
  • Prepared for CIP-1694 integration