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95 posts tagged with "hydra"

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· One min read
Sasha Bogicevic
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, most of the Hydra team was attending a cardano scaling workshop in Nantes, France. They used this oportunity to meet fellow mithril team and spend some time together to hack on some code and, as always, reflect on the past work and find optimal path forward for both projects. They also fixed a bug that caused hydra-node to crash when querying L1, worked on a new network resillience proof-of-concept and accepted a new ADR related to stateless transaction observation.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Cardano scaling workshop with members of hydra and mithril teams
  • Accepted user contribution for possible new use-case #1048
  • Fix for the hydra-node crash related to internal wallet query #1053
  • Collected experimental CI findings #1070
  • Propose first POC for the network resilience #1074

What are the goals of next week

  • Monthly review meeting & report including updates from Mithril
  • Review POC and discuss our options for the network resilience
  • Update cardano-api to version 8.20
  • Address TODOs on aiken commit validator #1072
  • Complete hydra-support in kupo kupo#117

· 2 min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team improved the commit process with support for inline datums. They simplified the chain layer by refactoring how the chain state is persisted. Updates to the Hydra tutorial were completed, including CI workflows to keep it up-to-date. The team engaged in discussions with researchers about incremental commits & decommits, and drafted an architectural decision record for a resource-based API. They also explored simpler solutions for the upcoming network resilience feature.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Support InlineScriptDatum in commit #1043
  • Refactored chain state persistency #1049
  • Completed tutorial updates (by adding CI and some cleanup) #997
  • Intersect Open Source committee meeting
  • Experimented with various models to better express the \"Network resilience problem\" to find a KISS solution for #188
  • Drafted and discussed incremental de-/commit features within team and with researchers #199 and #1057
  • Created ADR for a resource based overhaul of the API #1028

What are the goals of next week

  • Meetup of Hydra & Mithril contributors in Nantes, France
  • Integrated cardano-api 8.15 to have GHC 9.6 support
  • A clear design for incremental commits (decommits are already understood)
  • An ADR for improving tx construction & observation to not need chain state

· One min read
Sasha Bogicevic

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team focused primarily on changes needed in the network layer and have the first draft document related to needed design. They also improved the user experience by allowing a commit using inline datums. Discussed the off-chain governance with researchers and improved internal model tests.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Monthly report published
  • Small changes to hydraw and tutorial in light of the Masterclass
  • Investigated a bug and saw it was solved by recent developments
  • Improved the model tests by fully validating L1 transactions
  • Enhanced the /commit API to also allow commit from scripts with inline datums (user request)
  • Discussed off-chain governance with IOG and CF researchers
  • Drafted a first network specification document in the context of Network resilience

What are the goals of next week

  • Have a clear understanding of the changes we need for the "Improve network resiliency" feature
  • Groomed and agreed plan on incremental commits/decommits
  • Updated tutorials including CI workflows to check consistency
  • Update to GHC 9.6 and latest cardano dependencies (ledger/plutus)

· One min read
Franco Testagrossa

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team conducted the monthly review meeting for Agust,which continously ensures transparent communication and project evaluation.

In terms of community engagement, the Hydra team gave a Hydra master-class at RareEvo workshop as an educational initiative for the community. Additionally, the team updated the Hydra demo and tutorial to include Mithril and latest release changes.

They also focused on exploring the Hydra network resiliance in order to improve hydra-node availability, as it becomes stuck very easily and that leads to a bad user experience.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Hydra master-class at RareEvo workshop!
  • Monthly report & review meeting
  • Updated Hydra tutorial including Mithril and re-record demo/tutorial stuff
  • Groomed network resilience and explorer features #188
  • New ADR for “Resourced based API” #1028

What are the goals of next week

  • Have a poc on network resilience working #188
  • Fix issue #931: “Chain state in head state not updated on replayed observation”
  • Fix issue #1039: "Close transaction dropped from cardano-node"

· 2 min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team released version 0.12.0, a significant update that brings support for cardano-node 8.1.2, along with performance enhancements and various API improvements. Additionally, the team successfully onboarded a new contributor who is now actively participating in operating a Hydra Head. They took part in a meeting of the Intersect open source committee and prepared the Hydra master-class for RareEvo, an educational initiative for the community.

If you happen to be at RareEvo, register for the Hydra master-class using this form. We hope to make it possible to follow along on-line as well and will announce details on the Hydra announcements channel on the IOG discord server.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Released version 0.12.0 which adds support for cardano-node 8.1.2, performance and several API improvements. Release notes
  • Replaced commit via websocket with external draft + submit. #954
  • Onboarded new contributor to the point where he actively participates in operating a Head now.
  • Joined a first meeting of the Intersect open source committee
  • Prepared the Hydra master-class for RareEvo.

What are the goals of next week

  • Monthly review meeting
  • Run the Hydra master-class at RareEvo!
  • Updated Hydra tutorial including Mithril and re-record demo/tutorial stuff
  • Clear out red bin items (technical debt)
  • Groom network resilience and explorer features