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85 posts tagged with "hydra"

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· 2 min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team has continued work on the mainnet compatibility of the hydra-node. They added a golden test suite for hydra-plutus scripts, added some detection of hydra-node misconfiguration, established a limit of 100 ADA per commit and other smaller tasks to prepare for a mainnet beta release.

Next week there will be a small team workshop to push for demonstrating a Hydra Head on the Cardano mainnet, ideally just in time for the monthly review meeting. See the hydra channels on the IOG Technical Community discord server for details.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Implement a 100 ADA hard-coded commit limit in the hydra-node #763
  • Pay back funds to faucet after smoke-test run #773
  • Setup custom github runner for smoke-tests on mainnet #775
  • Created golden tests to assure the script hash stays the same between changes #772
  • Removed hardcoded error codes in plutus scripts #768
  • Detect misconfiguration of a hydra-node given persistent state #767
  • Met with potential users for hydra-pay
  • Prepared hydra workshop

What are the goals of next week

  • Hydra monthly meeting
  • Open a multi-party head on mainnet
  • Complete mainnet compatibility feature

· One min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team addressed issues with committing complex UTxOs into a Hydra Head, prepared the hydra-node to be run on mainnet (soon) and improved the test suite of the hydra-plutus scripts. The specification is constantly getting improved upon reviewer feedback on overleaf - this week the graphical notation was refined to be more transaction-focused.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Clarified bug of committing UTxOs with reference scripts to a Hydra head #737
  • Prepare usage of hydra-node on mainnet by updating command line options #715
  • Improved our mutation test suite to all expected errors #705
  • Re-opened our persistent hydraw demo head on preprod using version 0.9.0
  • Updated on-chain graphs to be more transaction-focused in the specification

What are the goals of next week

  • Complete mainnet compatibility feature
  • Prepare the Hydra workshop
  • Address all todo’s in the Hydra specification
  • Unblock the auctions project with commit from script a solution

· 2 min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team released version 0.9.0 - a version of the hydra-node with fully specified behavior of on-chain scripts and off-chain head-logic, decreased costs for opening/closing a Head and scalable contestation deadline semantics. Check out the full release notes for details.

Furthermore, they published the monthly report of the Hydra project and conducted a review meeting with an increasingly wider audience. The team plans to extend invitations through the new Hydra #announcements discord channel for the next months, stay tuned!

What did the team achieve this week

  • Monthly review meeting with report published on website
  • Fixed smoke tests #726
  • Reduced the cost of opening/closing a Head (error codes #748 + head reference script #701)
  • Released version 0.9.0
  • Conducted a first experiment on mainnet compatibility #713
  • New discord category with #announcements channel
  • Received a demo about the Hydra for Voting project
  • Lightning talk on mutation-based testing (to be shared)
  • New themes view in on our roadmap and some rearranging as we align it with high-level objectives
  • Clarified things with researchers, but mostly identified action items for them

What are the goals of next week

  • Redraw transaction graphs and address TODOs specification
  • Run hydraw with 0.9.0 on preprod
  • Make smoke tests on mainnet possible
  • Groom the explorer item
  • Unblock the auctions projecth with commit from script a solution

· One min read
Franco Testagrossa

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team continue closing many gaps and aligning the implementation with the specification. More over, they have groomed a plan to make Hydra Mainnet compatible. Also, they continue moving forward with the internal auditing and have published some auditing guidelines to receive contributions from the community.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Completed #452 (what is remaining in there)
  • Aligned the Head protocol logic implementation with the specification
  • Completed full minting policy implementation and spec #720
  • Clarified message authentication with researchers
  • Groomed what is left to do for Mainnet compatibility #713 and drafted a 0.10.0 version
  • Added a tutorial by @perturbing to the website LINK
  • Published auditing guidelines LINK
  • Made hydra-node work for macos #746 and added support for building on aarch64 #673
  • Met with a potential customer of Hydra for Payments

What are the goals of next week

  • Have the monthly review meeting incl. the report
  • Have smoke tests fixed and running regularly
  • Release 0.9.0 with updated scripts
  • Redraw transaction graphs for specification

· One min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team completed work on dealing differently with contests during the contestation period. These will now always push out the deadline and hence contestation periods are easier to pick (depending on the network a Head runs on). Furthermore, they added an important acceptance test and completed internal refactoring of the protocol logic making future changes easier.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Push contestation deadline on each contest #716
  • Wrote an acceptance (property) test can always close/fanout when collect is successful
  • Internal refactoring of our HeadLogic
  • Groomed remaining things from #452 into dedicated features

What are the goals of next week

  • Complete full minting policy #720
  • Release 0.9.0 with updated scripts
  • Plan mainnet milestone and a 0.10.0 version
  • Redraw transaction graphs for specification (upon feedback)
  • Have smoke tests fixed and running regularly