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86 posts tagged with "hydra"

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· 2 min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team released version 0.8.1, which includes several fixes and a user-wished extension of the persistence introduced by 0.8.0 of replaying server outputs to make clients like the hydra-tui be aware of the latest hydra-node state. The team also worked on the specification and closing gaps in the on-chain scripts, collaborated with the education team on a Hydra tutorial and also renamed the repository from hydra-poc to hydra!

What did the team achieve this week

  • Implemented replaying of server outputs to address #580
  • Released version 0.8.1 containing this and other fixes Release notes
  • Worked on the bounded tx validity as one of the on-chain script fixes, but couldnt finish it just yet #615
  • Collaborated with the education team on a Hydra tutorial.
  • Discovered and discussed issues with the seen ledger.
  • Renamed the Hydra repository hydra-poc -> hydra

What are the goals of next week

  • Create and discuss an ADR about handling tx validity correctly.
  • Attend the Cardano Summit in Lausanne. Hydra will be topic of one talk! Save the date+time: "Developing Hydra" on Day 2, Nov 21st, 13:50 CET
  • Have a team workshop / hackathon after the summit:
    • Retrospective
    • Roadmapping session
    • Hack on something complex or useful

· One min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team published together with Obsidian Systems a light paper on our "Hydra for Payments" project (Link). They have created a draft scope RFP for the external audit and worked with the internal audit team to clear up the specification. From the development side, they have fixed a bug with chain-following when using persistence and improved logs for better observability of hydra-node processes.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Published Hydra for Payments light paper (Link)
  • Have a draft RFP ready for a first review internally
  • Answered the internal auditors questions
  • Fixed a bug with following the chain when starting with persistence (#599)
  • Minor improvements to logging for better observability (#598, #600)
  • Non-achievement: Needed to work around flaky TUI ci, follow-up issue if anyone wants to have a look (#590)

What are the goals of next week

  • Implement event-sourced persistence #580
  • Close more gaps #452
  • Attend the Cardano Summit in Lausanne. Hydra will be topic of one talk! Save the date+time: "Developing Hydra" on Day 2, Nov 21st, 13:50 CET

· One min read
Sebastian Nagel

High level summary

This week, the hydra team first re-deployed the latest Hydra scripts to the re-spun preview network, see 0.8.0 release notes. They also completed implementation of ADR18 and worked on the validators, but development got impacted by some CI flakyness. The team also met to discuss hard forks & protocol parameter updates #195 and alignment of the specification document with auditors.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Complete and merge ADR18 #579
  • Re-deploy hydra scripts to respun preview network, see 0.8.0 release notes #595
  • Have first gap of #452 in review.
  • Non-achievement: Flaky CI for TUI was impacting us, so we investigated this a lot.
  • Engineering meeting to discuss hard forks and protocol parameter updates #195
  • Met the internal audit team on the specification to set scope, expectations and collected requirements/open questions.
  • Drafted project scope for an external audit RFP.

What are the goals of next week

  • Implement event-sourced persistence #580
  • Answer the internal auditors questions
  • Have a draft RFP ready for a first review internally
  • Close some gaps #452

· One min read
Sebastian Nagel

High level summary

This week, the hydra team completed several user experience improvements to the hydra-tui and hydra-node, and delivered a first version of persisted head states by publishing release version 0.8.0. Besides this, they met with researchers on topic of the HeadV1 specification and kicked-off work on the RFP for an external audit of the Hydra Head protocol and implementation.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Completed the UX improvements on the hydra-tui
  • Released version 0.8.0, which delivers a first version of persisted head states
  • Met with researchers on the HeadV1 specification
  • Started work on the RFP for our external audit

What are the goals of next week

  • Complete ADR18 implementation and get it merged
  • Start work on event-sourced persistence #580
  • Have a first plutus script gap closed #452
  • Revamp CI to use flakes and build macos artifacts (stretch goal: migrate to cicero for nix builds)

· One min read
Sebastian Nagel

High level summary

This week, the hydra team reviewed and addressed several open comments on the new HeadV1 specification, completing a list the of identified gaps between specification and implementation while doing so. In the wake of the recent demonstration of SundaeSwap running their DEX in a Hydra Head, they met with them to capture feature ideas & incorporate their feedback on the roadmap, as well as potential research avenues.

What did the team achieve this week

What are the goals of next week

  • Complete the last two items required for a version 0.8.0.
  • Cut the next release, version 0.8.0
  • Get backup/recovery #187 done with proper event sourcing (ADR18)
  • Have the CI build macos artifacts