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95 posts tagged with "hydra"

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· 2 min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team closed several gaps to align the Hydra scripts implementation further with the specification. This also resulted in a slight improvement on Hydra script size and costs. They consequently analysed the asymptotic complexity of collect and fanout and how they relate. Also plutus-tx profiling toolchain was evaluated and set up for future improvements on Hydra on-chain performance. In discussions with researchers and internal auditors, they also uncovered next steps on further securing the Head protocl using a "full" minting policy.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Closed several gaps to align script implementation with specification #452
    • Allow contest only once #680
    • Optimization through head output at index 0 #700
    • Value is preserved #702 + optimized exact value equality #709
  • Analysed asymptotic complexity of some of our scripts and set up profiling toolchain to #721
  • Fixed our tooling around the Haskell language server
  • Discussed full minting policy with researchers
  • Started grooming “what we need for mainnet” on this idea ticket and milestone

What are the goals of next week

  • Implement full minting policy
  • All remaining protocol discrepancies are implemented or groomed as individual features
  • Ideally release 0.9.0 with updated scripts
  • Discuss what we need for mainnet (milestone planning)
  • Redraw transaction graphs for specification (upon feedback)

· 2 min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team completed the Hydra specification with a section about rollbacks and updated graphs (#448). In a next step, the specification will be made more approachable and an open standard. They improved their hydra-cluster tool to launch a local --devnet sandbox environment and continued aligning the hydra-plutus scripts with the specification by hardening the checks on close and contest transactions.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Completed the specification with a section about rollbacks and updated graphs #448, with a follow-up on making it more approachable and an open standard.
  • Continued spec review with internal auditor and incorporated changes.
  • Talked to TxPipe about how Demeter and Hydra could work together
  • The hydra-cluster executable can be used to launch a local --devnet sandbox environment.
  • Reproduced the “head being stuck on network outage” bug
    • relates to what liveness guarantees we can / want to give on the protocol level and needs to be discussed.
  • Progressed with higher velocity by addressing more and more gaps #677

What are the goals of next week

  • Upstream our JSON instances to the ledger
  • Close all transaction security related on-chain gaps
  • Ideally release 0.9.0 with updated scripts
  • Groom & plan (or not) protocol changes yielded from specification discussions -> updated roadmap

· One min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team had a monthly review meeting with their stakeholders, contributors and interested people from the community. The monthly repot for January 2023 is a digest of the things presented and also includes a summary of the meeting. The Hydra specification was getting discussed and the team is incorporating suggested changes of reviewers. Last but not least, they compute and publish script information on every PR and also on the website now.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Had the monthly review meeting with a broader audience
  • Published the monthly report for January 2023
  • Reviewed the spec and discussed individual aborts with researchers
  • Compute and publish script information along benchmarks on every PR and website

What are the goals of next week

  • Add rollback section to Hydra spec, update pictures and publish it as part of repository
  • Discuss bigger spec findings (full minting policy, individual aborts, split fanout) as change/pull requests on the spec in the repository.
  • Groom & plan actions required for a maintainable Head explorer + break down align gaps feature.

· 2 min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team has been focusing on the write-up of the Hydra HeadV1 specification. Of which a first version has been aggregated and is currently under review. They aligned the on-chain scripts of reimbursing funds on abort like defined in the specification, improved the mutation test framework to have more control when testing plutus scripts. The added HeadId in the API and the TUI example client make hydra-node easier to use and a first experiment of a Hydra Head explorer was showing the utility of this - see what Heads exist on the preview network here.

What did the team achieve this week

  • HeadId to API and display in the TUI #678
  • Experiment of creating a hydra explorer, first result hosted here
  • Improved mutation framework allowing to fail for the right reason #679
  • Correctly reimburse funds in abort (matching the spec) #670
  • Finished a first write-up of the Hydra HeadV1 spec: Read it on overleaf (Communication channels for feedback)

What are the goals of next week

  • Monthly review meeting with a broader audience
  • Groom & plan actions required for a maintainable Head explorer
  • Break “align gaps” feature into smaller chunks (at least on- /off-chain) and groom it
  • Review the spec & discuss individual aborts with researchers (a bigger open question)

· 2 min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

Since last weekly update before christmas, the Hydra team worked on the technical specification, closed gaps in hydra-plutus scripts, made the unique headId available to Hydra clients through the API, allow the hydra-node to explicitly synchronize from genesis (if configured), and fixed smaller log and build issues reported by new users.

Besides this, a retrospective blog post was published by Matthias Benkort (CF) on Hydra, summarizing our progress made in 2022 also an outlook where Hydra is headed for in 2023. Also, the team had some first sessions on the voting project with Catalyst and the CF.

A full digest monthly digest for December 2022 can be found on the hydra website.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Had some first sessions on the voting project with Catalyst and CF
  • Published retrospective blog post by Matthias Benkort (CF) on Hydra, summarizing our progress made in 2022 also an outlook where Hydra is headed for in 2023.
  • Worked on the LaTeX spec for HydraHeadV1, not final or published yet - latest version in this repository.
  • Add unique headId to API and hence make it available to clients.
  • Allow hydra-node to explicitly synchronize from genesis using --start-chain-from 0.
  • Closed gaps in hydra-plutus scripts
    • bounded transaction validity (ADR21)
    • enforcing contract continuity via state token in output
  • Fixed JSON for some logs and smaller build issues reported by new users.

What are the goals of next week

  • Reach out to have hydra-tutorial integrated.
  • Plan the next couple of months.
  • Complete checking reimbursing of commits in head validator.
  • Align plutus scripts to spec and simplify them (identified some simplifications)
  • Improve mutation framework to be sure we fail tests for the right reasons
  • Complete the spec except the open points (<5) and also discuss them with researchers.