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92 posts tagged with "hydra"

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· One min read
Daniel Firth

High-level Summary

This sprint, the Hydra team released version 0.17.0 of the hydra-node, containing the new blueprint commit transaction mechanism and upgrades to the networking protocol incorporated over the last several weeks. We also completed several documentation upgrades.

Next sprint, we aim to focus the outstanding increment decommit work, completing the model tests for it as well as investigating adversarial attacks on the smart contract.

What did the team achieve this sprint?

  • Combine blueprint and commit tx metadata #1409
  • Diagnose currently stuck head. #1415
  • Document offline mode #1414
  • Document writing an Event Sink and Source #1413
  • Streaming Plugins #1325
  • Ensure -Werror is running in CI. #1426
  • Release hydra-node-0.17.0

What are the goal of the next sprint?

  • Update to cardano-node 8.11-pre #1439
  • Incremental decommit #1057
  • Make progress on the design for incremental commit #199
  • Reopen a head to test blueprint commits.
  • Test combinations of decrement/close/fanout #1390

· One min read
Daniel Firth

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team upgraded the hydra-node networking layer to use a versioned handshake protocol, as well as extensive documentation restructuring and bug fixes to the hydra-tui.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Use versioned hadshake when connecting hydra-nodes.
  • Restructure documentation.
  • Fixed the transaction envelope type parsing in order to be compatible with cardano-cli and update our docs.
  • Show the contestations in the hydra-tui
  • Experiment with removing persistence in the reliability layer and adding custom command to Reset the head state to the last confirmed snapshot

What are the goals of next week

  • Provide aarch64-linux docker images for hydra-node.
  • Release hydra-node 0.17.0
  • Finish new model spec changes related to decommit testing

· One min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team has been working on refactoring and detecting network protocol version mismatches. They have also merged the /commit endpoint changes including a follow-up fix about fee calculation. Besides this, they applied minor workflow fixes by adding docker images to nix checks and disabling mithril integration testing on preview (until mithril 2418 is released).

What did the team achieve this week

  • Refactor connectivity and detect network protocol version mismatches #1381
  • Merged and completed #1350, including a follow-up fix about fee calculation
  • Add docker images to nix checks
  • Disable mithril-client testing on Preview

What are the goals of next week

  • Restructure documentation including a how to about streaming plugins #1325
  • Add arm64 docker images as requested in #1404
  • Release 0.17.0

· One min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team refactored the heartbeat logic to prepare for the versioned network protocol. They have also switched to run on the preview network. Additionally, the team has added property tests to the /commit endpoint changes.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Refactor heartbeat logic to prepare for versioned network protocol.
  • Switch to run on preview network.
  • Add property tests to /commit endpoint changes

What are the goals of next week

  • Attend and connect with community on Cardano Builder Fest
  • Merge new /commit endpoint changes

· One min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team fixed a bug in the smoke test and refactored to allow network functions to distinguish between inbound and outbound. The team also prepared a cardano-api 8.44 branch for cardano-node 8.10 once it gets released. They also contributed to the cardano-ledger-api by undeprecating and exposing redeemerPointer.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Fix FaucetFailedToBuildTx in smoke test #1384
  • Refactoring to allow network functions to distinguish between inbound and outbound
  • Prepared a cardano-api 8.44 branch, but got blocked 👇
  • Undeprecate redeemerPointer and expose it in cardano-ledger-api cardano-ledger#4259

What are the goals of next week

  • Complete new /commit endpoint interface #1350
  • Refactor to allow NodeLogic to pass through connection messages, to unblock 👇
  • Use versioned handshake when connecting hydra-nodes #1010
  • Test all combinations of decrement/close/fanout for #1057
  • Meet with tech writers about the landing page