High level summary
The SRE team continues work on cardano environment improvements and general environment maintenance.
Some notable recent changes, updates or improvements include:
- Cardano-world testnets of preprod, preview, sanchonet and some private test chains are in the process of being migrated to the cardano-playground stack
Lower level summary
- Adds offchain-metadata-tools, dbsync sanchonet updates: capkgs-compare
- General package updates, modules improvements and template recipes to support network migration from world to playground cardano-parts-pull-17
- Bumps cardano-db-sync-ng to sancho-2-0-0 tag
- Bumps iohk-nix-ng to mig-sancho branch for sanchonet pool migration from world to play
- Adds more machine system bins and devShell bins for scripting and debug purposes
- Adds cardano-show-kes-period alias on any node machine importing profile-cardano-node-group module
- Adds profile-cardano-node-topology module for a simplified interface to most common topology needs
- Adds a job-delegate-rewards-stake-key job as an optional follow on to pool creation and registration jobs
- Adds a topology function to filter self from group machines with an allowList for matching infixes
- Adds metadata-server and related offchain-metadata-tools bins from capkgs
- Updates justfile template with:
- a new query-all recipe for getting status of multiple concurrent running environments
- a new set-default-cardano-env recipe for fast switching between environments
- a new start-demo recipe for forking a custom env into conway
- a new start-node recipe for generic environment start
- a new stop-node recipe for generic environment stop
- updated list-machines recipe for handling of empty nixos machine config and empty ssh_config conditions
- updated query-tip recipe to a generic query tip compatible with each environment
- Migrates sanchonet from world, prepares further migration and support automation: cardano-playground-pull-4