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SRE Team Update

· 2 min read
John Lotoski

High level summary

The SRE team continues work on cardano environment improvements and general environment maintenance.

Some notable recent changes, updates or improvements include:

  • Sanchonet was respun for cardano-node 8.11.0-pre

  • Private chain was respun twice for pre-sancho respin testing and short epoch testing with cardano-node 8.11.0-pre

  • Shelley-qa, two-thirds of preview and one-third of preprod networks were deployed to cardano-node 8.11.0-pre

  • Sanchonet, private chain and shelley-qa networks had dbsync sancho-4-3-0 deployed

  • A dbsync show_current_forging prepared statement was added to the cardano-parts profile-cardano-postgres nixosModule to aid with debugging chain quality issues

  • Three documents were added to cardano-playground to better explain some operations procedures: KES rotation, chain quality debugging and new network creation. Found at: docs/explain

  • A new mithril dashboard template is available in cardano-parts

Lower level summary


  • Avoid git API rate limit errors on update github action via netrc usage and corresponding secret: capkgs-commit


  • Sets cardano-node-ng to 8.11.0-pre and cardano-db-sync-ng to sancho-4-3-0. Adds a dbsync prepared statement, mithril dashboard template, updates the node application dashboard template, improves justfile recipe templates and tunes some systemd dependencies. Iohk-nix-ng was updated for sanchonet and private chain respins. More detail is available in the PR description: cardano-parts-pull-41


  • Rotates KES, pins iogp4 as -ng, adds a mithril dashboard, updates the node application dashboard, improves justfile recipes and tunes systemd node and mithril services to avoid some edge case errors. See the PR description for more details: cardano-mainnet-pull-15



  • Respins sancho and private chains and deploys cardano-node 8.11.0-pre and cardano-db-sync sancho-4-3-0 to appropriate envs and machines. Adds a mithril dashboard template, updates the node application dashboard template, improves justfile recipe templates. Adds three new explainer readme documents. See the PR description for more details: cardano-playground-pull-24