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SRE Team Update

· 4 min read
Michael Fellinger

High level summary

The SRE team continues work on cardano environment improvements and general maintenance.

Some notable recent changes, updates or improvements include:

  • Our new baseline version of Cardano Node is 9.1.0 and all environments have been updated. The main change from node 9.0.0 is that node 9.1.0 requires a Conway genesis file at startup, where the genesis file was optional in node 9.0.0.

  • Sanchonet had another respin for node 9.0.0 with new Conway genesis parameters and has since been upgraded to node 9.1.0.

  • The cardano-monitoring cluster received a lot of documentation and improvements and now also serves as the home for devx-ci metrics.

  • Hydra CI performance was improved once again by changes to our custom Nix evaluator. We also found further ways to improve the resource usage of waiting for IFDs.

Cardano Airgap

A new project that provides a completely airgapped environment for constitution members to sign proposals and transactions. It consists of an image for USB sticks and ensures all private data is stored securely with strong encryption.

We'll keep it updated as required with the latest Cardano versions.


Cardano Parts

  • cardano-node and cardano-node-ng are now at version 9.0.0
  • cardano-db-sync and cardano-db-sync-ng are now at version
  • Several NixOS modules and recipes have been fixed and improved.
  • Bump dependency of capkgs for node, db-sync, mithril, and cardano-wallet updates.
  • Update profile-cardano-db-sync-snapshots for schema 13.3 docs and with script edge case fixes
  • Update profile-cardano-node-group to use a SIGINT instead of SIGTERM for systemd stop
  • Update profile-common to deploy atd service
  • Update template recipe dbsync-prep to match faucet script defaults
  • Update template recipe update-ips to fix a nushell breaking change
  • Update .envrc with a newer direnv version and allows for symlinks on .envrc.local and ~/.age/credentials


Cardano Playground

  • All networks are now running cardano-node 9.1.0 in preparation of the Chang hard-fork.
  • Also upgraded db-sync to
  • Added the cardano-ipfs module and a derivation for pinata-go-cli that is used to store and distribute documents that can be referenced on chain.
  • Some updates to the Cardano Operations Book about:
    • UseLedgerPeerAfter updates
    • Sanchonet respins configs
    • Dbsync EnableFutureGenesis flag
  • Add a block header block producer readiness test
  • Respin of sanchonet for node 9.0.0, then upgraded to 9.1.0
  • Tune webserver size and Varnish RAM to improve caching efficiency
  • Updates govtool module for multi-nginx module compatibility
  • Updates update-ips recipe for nushell breaking change in nixpkgs 24.05
  • Updates direnv version, allow symlinks config files used by direnv
  • Update .envrc with a newer direnv version, allow symlinks on direnv used config files


Cardano Mainnet

  • Upgraded Cardano Node to 9.0.0
  • Upgraded Cardano DB Sync to
  • Bump capkgs dependency
  • Investigate bootstrap missingBlock error and deploy fixes for it.
  • Update scripts to be compatible with latest nushell version


Cardano Monitoring

  • Write comprehensive documentation for all the Nix code, as well as detailed instructions for usage and deployment.
  • Overhaul most Just tasks to bring them more in sync with the other repositories
  • Upgrade all machines to NixOS 24.05
  • Upgrade auth-keys-hub to prevent lockout in case SOPS is unable to decrypt
  • Fix SOPS decryption failure on boot because of missing network.
  • Limit bootloader entries to 5 since the /boot partition is tiny
  • Additionally add fallback SSH keys for emergency use



  • Update ledger peers to be after a more recent epoch boundary to improve bootstrapping and fix a private chain p2p delayed sync config issue.
  • Update sanchonet conway-genesis for respin
    • DRep voting thresholds both need to be 65%
    • Set govActionLifetime above the guardrail because of the short epochs.
    • Set minCommitteeSize to 5 (from recommended 7) because only 5 ICC members were able to provide keys for the respin.

PR#584 PR#585

Cardano Ops

  • tweak the stop timeout and change Cardano Node killsignal to SIGINT for clean restarts.



Added following packages:

  • cardano-node 9.0.0 and 9.1.0
  • For cardano-db-sync releases of sancho-5.1.0 and
  • For mithril 2428.0 and mithril-unstable
  • For cardano-wallet v2024-07-19