High level summary
The SRE team continues work on Cardano environment improvements and general maintenance.
Some notable recent changes, updates or improvements include:
IoE Sanchonet pools and community bootstrap relays are being terminated as Sanchonet has fulfilled its purpose. The community will carry Sanchonet forward a little longer for an environment to run some community workshops organized by Mike Hornan.
Cardano-node container image improvement work is in progress. The node PR listed as WIP below will be additionally followed up by another in the near future to support the new cardano-node tracing system.
Repository Work -- Merged
- Bump iohkNix for MinNodeVersion to 10.1.4 and adjust ci test configs cardano-node-pr-6108
- Bump iohkNix for MinNodeVersion to 10.1.4 iohk-nix-pr-592
Repository Work -- PRs and Branches, WIP
- Cardano-parts: https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-parts/pull/58
- Cardano-playground: https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-playground/pull/41
- Cardano-mainnet: https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-mainnet/pull/31
- Cardano-node: https://github.com/IntersectMBO/cardano-node/pull/6110
- Capkgs: https://github.com/input-output-hk/capkgs/compare/main...input-addressed