High level summary
The SRE team continues work on Cardano environment improvements and general maintenance.
Some notable recent changes, updates or improvements include:
The cardano-node flake closure was cleaned up and optimized for an ~18% size reduction.
Cardano-node oci image improvements were merged and should be available with the next cardano-node release image; see the PR details below.
The nix hydra machine used for cardano-node builds was migrated to upgraded hardware allowing for better evaluation concurrency and therefore an enhanced dev ci experience.
Long cardano-node nix ci eval times were preliminarily investigated and it appears this can likely be improved significantly in the near future.
Repository Work -- Merged
- Removes deprecated flake inputs for optimization purposes and adds ci via GHA. The flake optimization here is also passed to cardano-node. cardano-automation-pr-7
OCI improvements: adds symlinked configuration files for cardano environments, adds a new cardano-node oci image "merge" mode, improves documentation, reduces path inconsistencies between images modes (cardano-node oci script, merge, custom modes) and oci-images (cardano-node and cardano-submit-api). More detail is available in the PR description. cardano-node-pr-6110
Byron-to-Alonzo scripts and env clean up: removes deprecated environments and dependencies, adds testnet template support, improves the byron to alonzo script set and documents. More detail is available in the PR description. cardano-node-pr-6123
Flake clean up and optimization: removes uneeded inputs and overlay, applies alejandra fmt, adds alejandra to dev/devops devShell, reduces overall flake closure size by ~18%. More detail is available in the PR description. cardano-node-pr-6144
- The nix hydra build machine was migrated to new hardware with more memory. Deprecated ziti code was cleaned up. devx-ci-commit-compare
- The inputs-check tool was improved to make usage easier in non-flake-parts flakes, fix a top level duplicate inputs bug, improve docs with better instructions and more example usage, and add minimal ci. inputs-check-pr-1
Repository Work In Progress -- PRs and Branches
- Cardano-node: https://github.com/IntersectMBO/cardano-node/pull/6133
- Cardano-parts: https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-parts/pull/59
- Cardano-playground: https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-playground/pull/42
- Cardano-mainnet: https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-mainnet/pull/32
- Iohk-nix: https://github.com/input-output-hk/iohk-nix/pull/594