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Network Team Update

· 2 min read
Marcin Szamotulski

Overview of sprint 82

Extensible Ouroboros Diffusion

We merged the extensible diffusion PR.

This PR will allow us to build mithril diffusion using ouroboros-network, and more generally, it makes it much easier to develop and deploy one's own decentralised applications based on ouroboros-network. This is part of the ouroboros-network-0.20 release, which will be included in cardano-node-10.3.


We released ouroboros-network-0.20 to CHaP. All released changes are listed in [this table][on-0.20]. The most important changes are:

Removal of NonP2P code base

We merged Removal of NonP2P Network Components PR. This change will be integrated no sooner than cardano-node-10.4. If you're still using In the NonP2P mode, please upgrade to P2P. Initiator-only mode for local root peers (#5020) is available in the pre-release cardano-node-10.2.1 and future releases. See the, to be published, documentation update.