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· One min read
Damian Nadales

High level summary

The db-sync team confirmed that the adaptor module the Consensus team provided for UTxO-HD integration, shows no performance degradation. Other clients who wish to integrate with UTxO-HD without using a on-disk storage could use that same approach for now. We also focused on completing tracing support for UTxO-HD in cardano-node. Currently we are working on UTxO-HD documentation, both for downstream consumers and for the general public; and generalizing the implementation further.

The team working on Genesis decided on a Genesis-motivated change of the epoch structure with the researchers, wrote a self-contained description of the statistical model for historical Genesis windows and eclipse durations, and merged two small improvements to the ChainSync client as part of the onboarding efforts for the team that will implement Genesis.

The Consensus team also investigated an issue on sanchonet (the Conway testnet) manifesting in long syncing pauses; identified a ledger bug which was promptly fixed by the Ledger team.

Genesis liaising

Improvements to the ChainSync client:

· One min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team updated the specification to align with recent off-chain protocol changes, completed refactoring the snapshot emission in preparation for event-sourced protocol logic, and updated to GHC 9.2.7, resulting in improved compile times and slightly smaller Plutus scripts.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Updated the specification to match the recent off-chain protocol changes to complete #728
  • Refactored the snapshot emission logic in preparation for event sourced protocol logic.
  • Updated to GHC 9.2.7, which led to improved compile times and slightly smaller plutus scripts.

What are the goals of next week

  • Monthly review meeting next wednesday and July report
  • Reflect latest information onto our roadmap.
  • Actual implemention of event-sourced persistence #913.
  • Update the use cases section on
  • Remove deprecated internal commit #954.

· 2 min read
Alexey Kuleshevich

High level summary

Our focus was on planning and implementing Conway features that we would like to see deployed and running on Sanchonet. All members of the ledger team participated in the CIP-1694 workshop and had an in-person meeting, where we discussed plans forward for the Conway era. We also investigated some transaction validation issues that occurred on preview with the latest node (for 8.2 release). Additionally, we did some preparatory work that will help us define the types we need for Plutus V3 and integrate with the new version when it will become available. We also made progress on the constraint-based generators, which can now generate valid transactions and ledger states.

What we achieved

  • [pull-3521] [pull-3554] Improved Governance model (GovernanceProcedures, ProposalProcedure)
  • [pull-3520] Improved Governance-related naming (Renamed Tally to Gov and VDel to GovCert )
  • [pull-3531] Refactored and simplified code interacting with Plutus
  • [pull-3558] Fixed a bug that was breaking validation on preview, related to refernce inputs witnesses. We backported and released the fix.
  • [pull-3550] For Conway to run on Sanchonet, we updated the era Translation to remove zero-ADA outputs. This was necessary because such outputs exist on mainnet, but in Conway they are not allowed.
  • [pull-3551] [pull-3546] [pull-3472] Updated tools and added some small improvements
  • [issue-3146] [pull-3498] Introduced Conway protocol parameters
  • [issue-2948] [pull-3499] Implemented ConwayGenesis with the new protocol parameters

What is currently in progress

· One min read
John Lotoski

High level summary

The SRE team continues work on cardano environment improvements and general environment maintenance.

Some notable recent improvements include:

  • Re-spin sanchonet for testing a new node version followed by fork to Conway
  • Deploying a sanchonet compatible faucet to sanchonet
  • Migrate shelley qa legacy environment to cardano-world

Lower level summary



  • Mainnet relays are 50% migrated to p2p topology and 1 relay per region dedicated for ledger peers: cardano-ops-compare



· One min read
James Chapman

The team works on applied research and consulting in formal methods that is directly applicable to evidence based engineering in Core Tech and beyond.

High level summary

The team is working on formalising mini protocols, the performance modelling prototype and also finishing off their ICE papers.


  • Formalization of the chain synchronization mini-protocol in the thorn calculus

  • Final pre-publication steps for ICE 2023 papers

  • Developing approach for specification and verification of mini-protocols

  • Started work on porting the DeltaQ framework to a new, more concrete backend based on piecewise-polynomials