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· 2 min read
John Lotoski

High level summary

The SRE team continues work on cardano environment improvements and general environment maintenance.

Some notable recent updates or improvements include:

  • Sanchonet environment was updated to 8.3.0-pre.
  • Cardano-parts now enables downstream consumers to spin up multiple cardano-networks per repository, an example of which is here.

Lower level summary


  • Add a readme, optimize flake inputs, improve nu and ruby parsing scripts: capkgs-compare



  • Utilize content addressed binaries to significantly improve eval, build and devShell performance: cardano-parts-pull-8
  • Add an aws flakeModule for obtaining ec2 specs, fix node.socket devShell error: cardano-parts-pull-10
  • Fix warns thrown during some builds and devShell usage: cardano-parts-pull-11
  • Add flakeModules and nixosModules in preparation for cardano-node grouped deployments: cardano-parts-pull-12
  • Enable group deployments by: adding several module, profile and role nixosModules; updating flakeModules; adding sops age secrets handling: cardano-parts-pull-13


  • Modify the wireguard network from mesh to star, enable ICMP, enable Nomad raw_exec and add hydraJobs: cardano-perf-compare



· One min read
Kostas Dermentzis

High level summary

We have created a DBSync tag sancho-1-1-0 which can follow sanchonet. Also the team has ran a number of benchmarks and tests for the new options/flavours of DBSync and prepared a blogpost which summorises them, for downstream components.

Lower level summary

  • Integration of node-8.3.x and support for Sanchonet on Conway #1498
  • Simplifications of new feautures #1496
  • Makes it impossible to restart DBSync with different schema options and adds tests for them #1466
  • CI fixes #1494#1491
  • Prepared a blogpost about different DBSync options blog

· 3 min read
Carlos LopezDeLara

2023-08-30 - 2023-09-12

High level summary

Release of Cardano-node 8.3.0-pre for SanchoNet. Adds DReps to the Conway governance rules. Allows registration of DReps, delegation to DReps and voting on constitution action with DReps and SPOs. This release completes phase 2 of SanchoNet feature roll out plan

CLI continues on its migration to a era-based top-level commands. This sprint we moved text-view, key, query, genesis, node, stake-address, transaction and address into this new command structure. This is the initial migration, there is still some clean-up to do on future sprints.

We are moving the drep delegation-certificate to the stake-address command so delegating to a drep is done via stake-addres vote-delegation-certificate. Along the same lines, we are renaming stake-address delegation-certificate (delagating to a stake pool) to stake-address stake-delegation-certificate to distinguish between stake delegation to a pool and votes delegation to a drep. On top of that, there is a new type of delegation certificate to delegate (stake) to a stake pool and (votes) to a drep simultaneosuly stake-address stake-and-vote-delegation-certificate. Note that change is not included on 8.3 but will come on 8.4. Removing --conway-era flag from all the transaction sub-commands.

Update description fields in delegation certificates from Stake Address Delegation Certificate to respectively (Conway onwards):

  • Stake Delegation Certificate
  • Vote Delegation Certificate
  • Stake and Vote Delegation Certificate






CI & project maintenance

· 2 min read
Sebastian Nagel

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team improved the commit process with support for inline datums. They simplified the chain layer by refactoring how the chain state is persisted. Updates to the Hydra tutorial were completed, including CI workflows to keep it up-to-date. The team engaged in discussions with researchers about incremental commits & decommits, and drafted an architectural decision record for a resource-based API. They also explored simpler solutions for the upcoming network resilience feature.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Support InlineScriptDatum in commit #1043
  • Refactored chain state persistency #1049
  • Completed tutorial updates (by adding CI and some cleanup) #997
  • Intersect Open Source committee meeting
  • Experimented with various models to better express the \"Network resilience problem\" to find a KISS solution for #188
  • Drafted and discussed incremental de-/commit features within team and with researchers #199 and #1057
  • Created ADR for a resource based overhaul of the API #1028

What are the goals of next week

  • Meetup of Hydra & Mithril contributors in Nantes, France
  • Integrated cardano-api 8.15 to have GHC 9.6 support
  • A clear design for incremental commits (decommits are already understood)
  • An ADR for improving tx construction & observation to not need chain state

· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

The Mithril team has released a new distribution 2335.0 which brings enhancements to the client: support for simultaneous downloading and unpacking of the snapshot archives, support for one line command restoration of the latest snapshot, and availability of machine readable progress information.

They have also worked on snapshots enhancements: implementation of the zstandard compression to produce smaller archives, and providing the version of the Cardano node used to create the archive in the snapshot artifacts. They have completed the second phase of the implementation of the stress test tool to benchamrk the aggregator. Additionally, they have kept working on refactoring and standardizing errors in the Mithril nodes.

Finally, they have worked on adding Cloudflare protection to the infrastructure, and they have fixed some bugs that occurred during restoration of a snapshot by a client.

Low level overview

  • Completed the issue Use 'zstandard' compression for snapshot archives #876
  • Completed the issue Design & implement stress test tool for aggregator - phase 2 #1155
  • Completed the issue Provide progress information with '--json' option in Client #1095
  • Completed the issue Make client download and extract the archive simultaneously #1115
  • Completed the issue Add aggregator Cardano node version in snapshot artifact #948
  • Completed the issue Make Cardano node version part of the Mithril network configuration #947
  • Completed the issue Post deployment 'mainnet' infrastructure #1091
  • Worked on the issue Errors refactoring #798
  • Worked on the issue Add Cloudflare protection of infrastructure #986
  • Completed the issue Failed to restore recent snapshot with strange error #1160
  • Completed the issue Update 'ed25519-dalek' to '2.0.0' #1188
  • Completed the issue Add target networks blocks in release notes #1151
  • Completed the issue Fix end to end 'wait_for_the_expected_time' test #1191
  • Completed the issue Fix docs 'git checkout' command #1174