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· One min read
Iñigo Querejeta Azurmendi

High level summary

The open fronts that the crypto team is working on are:

  • Sidechains: First version of snark-based ATMS
  • mithril: Full node verifier
  • kes_agent: Keep progress, and prepare CIP and CPS
  • CIPs and community: Finishing BLS12-381 CIP and working on a KECCAK CIP

Low level summary



  • Final review of the implementation of Full Node Verifier #939. Included benchmarks and further tests.


  • Schnorr signature implemented
  • ATMS signature implemented
  • First benchmarks show that for the committe size we expect, we need 2^21 constraints.

CIPs and community

  • Addressed some review comments in #PR506
  • Worked with the communityt on #PR524 to include Keccak as part of the next Plutus release.

· One min read
James Chapman

The team works on applied research and consulting in formal methods that is directly applicable to evidence based engineering in Core Tech and beyond.

High level summary

This sprint the teams have been working on finalising their ICE papers for publication in EPTCS, formalising concensus, and investigating chain sync.


  • Preparing final versions of ICE papers

  • Reviewing the chain sync design and documentation

  • Refactoring the thorn calculus

  • First draft of Praos specification

  • Developing bounding factors on timeouts

· One min read
Franco Testagrossa
Sasha Bogicevic

High-level summary

This week the Hydra team accomplished some nice progress. They secured the network layer further by implementing authentication of the messages between the peers in the Head protocol. In the process they also managed to separate HeartBeat messages from the protocol ones which somewhat improved the quality of code in Hydra. The team also finished work related to sending only transaction ids in ReqSn messages, fixed an issue in the smoke tests, and improved benchmark publishing on the website.

What did the team achieve this week

What are the goals of next week

  • Spike on performance improvements of event sourced persistence #913
  • Add new endpoint for submitting client transactions
  • Remove commit from internal wallet

· One min read
John Lotoski

High level summary

The SRE team continues work on cardano environment improvements, supporting CI improvements, and general environment maintenance.

Some notable recent improvements include:

  • Improved cardano-node entrypoint handling to allow for clean restarts in the Nomad environment
  • Explorer component updates
  • Spongix caching server rewrite for R2 Cloudflare support and various performance improvements

Lower level summary




  • Improve storage resize script, workaround systemd node signal handling, rescale p2p relays: cardano-ops-compare




  • Spongix caching server rewrite for Cloudflare R2 backend support plus misc improvements: spongix-simple-branch

· 2 min read
Moritz Angermann

High level summary

The Developer Experience team has been dealing with day-to-day troubleshooting and support of various elements including build failures, compiler upgrades, CI migration from Cicero to Hydra, and Buildkite to GitHub Actions. iohk-nix, haskell.nix, and devx have seen improvements.

Lower level summary

build support & maintainance

The DevX team has helped troubleshoot a few CI issues, and focused on helping to migrate from Cicero to Hydra, as well as from Buildkite to GitHub Actions.

compiler upgrades

Compatibility with 9.6 has been continued and most of our libraries are not 9.6 compatible. Only a few are not, we hope to have this done by the end of the month. We've also started preliminarily adding GHC 9.8 to our infrastructure for early compiler regression tests.

Hydra Tools

Our repository, input-output-hk/actions, has seen quite some improvements to facility the hydra <-> github integration.


Haskell.nix has been maintained and updated with the addition of preliminary GHC 9.8 support.


The devx repository has seen significant improvements, including the addition of GitHub Codespaces, and DevContainers. Integrated with our actions/devx GitHub Actions, we have a consistent set of tooling for

  • nix develop shells
  • GitHub CodeSpaces integration
  • VSCode DevContainer support
  • GitHub Actions integration

upstream tooling

Our team remains committed to enhancing upstream tooling, with ongoing contributions to GHC, Cabal, and Nix.