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50 posts tagged with "consensus"

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· One min read
Damian Nadales

High level summary

  • Assisted with Node release 9.0:
    • Performed security audits, engaged with other teams, implemented improvements, and released Consensus packages.
  • We are now running additional NoThunks tests, which help us safeguard against memory leaks in the node.
  • Reviewed Milestone 13 of Genesis, which improves the code documentation of Genesis, and implements some fixes and optimizations.

· One min read
Damian Nadales

High level summary

  • Supported debugging activities related to bootstrap nodes.
  • Merged various improvements to the db-X tools; in particular, db-truncater (which is used regularly by community members on sanchonet) got much faster.

· One min read
Damian Nadales

High level summary

  • Updated UTXO-HD to use simple diffs which drastically improved the mempool benchmarks (#1114).
  • Helped quickcheck-state-machine to release version 0.10.0 (#48). We rely on this library for our high-assurance property-tests.
  • Rebased UTXO-HD on top of node 8.11 (#1121). A replay with the in-memory backend took 5:05 hours up to slot 124M.

· One min read
Damian Nadales

High level summary

  • Released Consensus for Node 8.11 (#1101)
  • Improved the Praos chain order:
    • Restricted VRF tiebreaker based on slot distance (#1047)
    • Small tweak to the issue number tiebreaker (#1086)
  • Wrote overview on the statistics on the leader schedule (#1096)
  • Integrated robustness refinement for concluding that a node is caught up in the context of bootstrap peers (#1031)
  • The P&T team managed to complete the UTXO-HD benchmarks using the LMDB backend and the results are promising.
  • We're working on setting up the Consensus Technical Working Group within Intersect, so if you'd like to participate please reach out to Damian Nadales.

· One min read
Damian Nadales

High level summary

  • Reworked the argument for the different databases used in Consensus, in preparation for UTxO-HD (#1059).
  • Helped review the first Peras Innovation draft report.
  • Continued working on VRF restriction based on slot distance. The corresponding PR (#1047) went through its first round of reviews.
  • Provided support to the Networking team to review their work on querying big ledger peers (#1067).
  • Continued working on open-sourcing fs-api and fs-sim.
  • Performed other minor refactorings in the codebase (#1073 and #1070).