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23 posts tagged with "goedel"

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· One min read
James Chapman

The team works on applied research and consulting in formal methods that is directly applicable to evidence based engineering in Core Tech and beyond.

High level summary

This sprint the team had two paper accepted for ICE 2023 ( The event will be held in Lisbon on 19th June 2023. The papers will be published in EPTCS.


· One min read
James Chapman

The team works on applied research and consulting in formal methods that is directly applicable to evidence based engineering in Core Tech and beyond.

High level summary

The team is working on porting an existing formalisation of Ouroboros Praos to a newer foundation.


· One min read
James Chapman

The team works on applied research and consulting in formal methods that is directly applicable to evidence based engineering in Core Tech and beyond.

High level summary

This sprint the team has submitted two papers for publication, carried out consultancy with other teams and has an opening for an intern.


· One min read
James Chapman

The team works on applied research and consulting in formal methods that is directly applicable to evidence based engineering in Core Tech and beyond.

High level summary

This sprint the team has been working on final drafts of two papers for internal review and planning next steps of analysis of consensus design refiniments.


  • Preparing final draft of DeltaQSD algebra paper for internal review

  • Preparing final draft of verifying design refinements for distributed system design for internal review

  • Planning next phase of consensus design refinement analysis

· One min read
James Chapman

The team works on applied research and consulting in formal methods that is directly applicable to evidence based engineering in Core Tech and beyond.

High level summary

This sprint the team has been working on drafts of two papers improving the deltaQ tutorial, consulting on performance design, and the final version of the Djed paper.


  • Preparing draft of DeltaQSD algebra paper for ICE 2023

  • Successful outcome of Marlowe consultancy leading to substantial improvement in performance

  • Preparing sections on the communication language and bisimulation proofs for draft paper about verifying design refinements for distributed system design

  • Camera ready version of Djed paper under preparation