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23 posts tagged with "goedel"

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· One min read
James Chapman

The team works on applied research and consulting in formal methods that is directly applicable to evidence based engineering in Core Tech and beyond.

High level summary

This sprint the team has been working on drafts of two papers and one technical report, improving the deltaQ tutorial, consulting on performance design, and the Djed paper has been accepted for publication.


  • Preparing draft of DeltaQSD algebra paper for FORTE 2023

  • Extending the technical report on which the above paper is based

  • Consulting with an external company on performance engineering of Plutus contracts

  • Planning improvements and collecting material for the deltaQ tutorial based on experience with systems that manage risk at multiple timescales

  • Preparing sections on the communication language and idempontency laws for draft paper about verifying design refinements for distributed system design

  • Studying Cardano chain sync protocol

  • "Djed: A Formally Verified Crypto-Backed Autonomous Stablecoin Protocol" has been accepted for publication at IEEE ICBC 2023

· One min read
James Chapman

The team works on applied research and consulting in formal methods that is directly applicable to evidence based engineering in Core Tech and beyond.

High level summary

This sprint the team has been working on drafts of two papers and one technical report, distributivity properties of deltaQ, and consulting on performance design with the Marlowe team.


  • Processing reviews on performance engineering paper and planning paper revisions accordingly

  • Investigating distributivity properties of DeltaQ

  • Preparing sections on the thorn calculus and idempotency laws for draft paper about verifying design refinements for distributed system design

  • Consulting on performance design with Marlowe team

· One min read
James Chapman

The team works on applied research and consulting in formal methods that is directly applicable to evidence based engineering in Core Tech and beyond.

High level summary

This sprint the team has been preparing several papers for peer review and knowledge sharing and consulting within IO and the community.


  • R&D Seminar on experience participating in a member based organisation
  • Full day tutorial on performance engineering presented at HiPEAC 2023 conference
  • Finished preparing and submitted a paper on performance engineering to an ACM workshop
  • Preparing a draft paper for future submission about verifying design refinements for distributed system design
  • Consulting on performance design of other IO projects