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91 posts tagged with "hydra"

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· One min read
Noon van der Silk

High-level summary

This week we did some refinement and scoping work around the network reliability, finding a specific kind of fault to look for in the first instance. We continued our Hydra Head running on preview, and confirmed that empty decommits pose no real problem. We upgraded to be compatibile with the latest cardano node and hence be able to keep the Head running during the upcoming hardfork. Finally, we added a technical writing style guide, to ensure consistency in all our documentation.

What did the team achieve?

  • Stable Hydra Head running on the preview network
  • Compability with cardano node 9.1.0 #1531
  • Confirmed empty decommits are not a problem #1534
  • Refined scope of the network reliability work
  • Added a technical writing style guide.

What's next?

  • Working towards an Agda-based spec
  • Continued work on incremental commits: spec changes and off-chain implementation
  • Implement specific network reliability test as a base to extend from
  • Support Hydra demo at Rare Evo.

· One min read
Noon van der Silk

High-level summary

This week we merged incremental decommits, and got the latest Hydra Head running, on preview, between the team. We also provided a new NixOs configuration for running a Hydra node. We will be working on incremental commits, followsup to the incremental decommit work, and improvements/tests for our network reliability next.

What did the team achieve?

  • Incremental decommit merged! #1344
  • Incremental decommit in the TUI #1518
  • Hydra Head, and Hydraw, up and running on preview network
  • New NixOS-based setup for a Hydra Head node #1506

What's next?

  • Continued work on incremental commit: Off-chain journey
  • Network reliability investigations
  • Small followups to incremental decommit work
  • Support Hydra demo at Rare Evo
  • Have a Head open on preview to see it working through the upcoming hard fork

· One min read
Noon van der Silk

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team made significant progress on incremental decommits by closing the last gaps and cleaning up the specification. They collected scenarios and prepared for incremental commits, updated dependencies for compatibility with cardano-node 9.0.0, and continued tidying up documentation. Work continued on an easy spin-up of the getting-started demo via process-compose. Additionally, the team onboarded a new contributor and held an early design meeting about payment channels and Blockfrost. They also refined the SDK wallet idea.

What did the team achieve?

  • Incremental decommit progress: closed last gaps, cleanup specification #1483
  • Collected scenarios and preparing for incremental commit #1484
  • Updated dependencies, compatibility cardano-node 9.0.0 #1481
  • Continued documentation tidyups
  • WIP easy spin-up of the getting-started demo via process-compose #1503
  • Onboarded new contributor
  • Early design meeting about payment channels and Blockfrost #1305
  • SDK wallet idea refinement #1509

What's next?

  • Merge and release incremental decommit
  • Continued work on incremental commit
  • Support Hydra demo at Rare Evo
  • Have a Head open on preview to see it working through the upcoming hard fork

· One min read
Daniel Firth

High-level Summary

This sprint, the Hydra team updated the node to be compatible with cardano-node 8.11-pre. We continued work on increment decommits, investigating adversarial attacks on the smart contract and preparing it to be merged. We also discussed options for the incremental commit work, including designs for a hydra-ledger.

Next sprint we aim to merge incremental decommits and make further progress on the incremental commit design.

What did the team achieve this sprint?

  • Update to cardano-node 8.11-pre #1439
  • Allow committing internal wallet utxos #1442
  • Rewrite introduction section and fknown issues section. #1451
  • Make specification editing in markdown possible #1187
  • Fix ignored hydra-plutus tests #1458
  • Re-open internal head with blueprint commits.

What are the goals of the next sprint?

  • Incremental decommit #1057
  • Make progress on the design for incremental commit #199
  • Test combinations of decrement/close/fanout #1390

· One min read
Daniel Firth

High-level Summary

This sprint, the Hydra team released version 0.17.0 of the hydra-node, containing the new blueprint commit transaction mechanism and upgrades to the networking protocol incorporated over the last several weeks. We also completed several documentation upgrades.

Next sprint, we aim to focus the outstanding increment decommit work, completing the model tests for it as well as investigating adversarial attacks on the smart contract.

What did the team achieve this sprint?

  • Combine blueprint and commit tx metadata #1409
  • Diagnose currently stuck head. #1415
  • Document offline mode #1414
  • Document writing an Event Sink and Source #1413
  • Streaming Plugins #1325
  • Ensure -Werror is running in CI. #1426
  • Release hydra-node-0.17.0

What are the goal of the next sprint?

  • Update to cardano-node 8.11-pre #1439
  • Incremental decommit #1057
  • Make progress on the design for incremental commit #199
  • Reopen a head to test blueprint commits.
  • Test combinations of decrement/close/fanout #1390