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86 posts tagged with "mithril"

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· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

The Mithril team completed the implementation of the new sub-command for restoring a Mithril stake distribution in the client. They also updated the client’s developer documentation and architecture documentation, and did some refactoring on the client and its dependency injection mechanism. Additionally, they completed and deployed infrastructure enhancements on the test Mithril networks. They also completed the performance tests of the new stake distribution computation on the Cardano mainnet.

Finally, the team worked on fixing a bug on the client multi-platform test, a bug on the aggregator state machine, and some flakiness on the CI.

Low level overview

  • Completed on the epic that designs and implements generic signing/verification of entity services #780:
    • Completed the issue Create the sub-command for 'Mithril Stake Distribution' in client #896
    • Completed the issue Adapt end to end tests to handle new types of data #899
    • Completed the issue Update client documentation #897
    • Completed the issue Update architecture documentations for new types of data #898
    • Completed the issue Refactoring client #960
  • Worked on the epic that prepares the Mithril infrastructure for mainnet #767:
    • Completed the issue Enhance terraform infrastructure #930
  • Completed the epic that implements the computation of the stake distribution for mainnet #880:
    • Completed the issue Check performance impact of new stake distribution command on the 'mainnet' #962
  • Worked on the epic Prepare Mithril Signer deployment model for SPO #862:
    • Worked on the issue Design recommended deployment model for SPOs on 'mainnet' and 'preview'/'preprod' #961
  • Worked on bugs and optimizations:
    • Completed the issue Aggregator does not always detect new immutable file #953
    • Completed the issue CI tests fail with Rust '1.70.0' #958
    • Worked on the issue End to end tests are flaky #954
    • Worked on the issue Certificate dates in metadata are not on the same timezone #946
    • Worked on the issue Refactor 'MithrilStakeDistribution' entity #967
    • Completed the issue Fix 'Mithril Client multi-platform test' with new client interface #956
    • Completed the issue Enhance 'ImmutableDigesterError::NotEnoughImmutable' error #969
    • Completed the issue Client 'snapshot download' command fails with option '--download-dir' #979

· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

The Mithril team released a new 2321.1 distribution that fully implements the mechanism developed to sign generic data. They completed the upgrade of the Cardano node in the Mithril networks to v.8.0.0 and the implementation of the new computation of the stake distribution. They refactored the state machines of the signer and aggregator, and the signed entity service of the aggregator. Additionally, they worked on adapting the client and implementing a new sub-command for restoring the Cardano immutable file snapshots.

Finally, the team worked on adding a new certificate list route in the aggregator REST API, and started enhancing the infrastructure of the Mithril networks.

Low level overview

  • Released the new distribution 2321.1
  • Worked on the epic that designs and implements generic signing/verification of entity services #780:
    • Completed the issue Enhance MessageAdapter for Artifact in aggregator REST API #925
    • Completed the issue Create the sub-command for 'Cardano Immutable Files Full' in client #895
    • Completed the issue Enhance state machines Aggregator/Signer #933
    • Completed the issue Adapt the aggregator REST API to list certificates #892
    • Worked on the issue Adapt end to end tests to handle new types of data #899
    • Worked on the issue Update client documentation #897
    • Worked on the issue Update architecture documentations for new types of data #898
  • Worked on the epic that prepares the Mithril infrastructure for mainnet #767:
    • Worked on the issue Enhance terraform infrastructure #930
  • Worked on the epic that implements the computation of the stake distribution for mainnet #880:
    • Completed the issue Upgrade Cardano node to '8.0.0' #920
  • Completed the issue Add export path in Client CLI #512

· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

The Mithril team released a new 2318.0 distribution that implements the last migration phase of the aggregator stores and embeds a bug fix for the signer registration. They also completed the implementation of the interfaces defined to provide certification for the immutable full snapshot of Cardano files and Mithril stake distribution. They finalized the implementation of the framework to sign generic types of data in the aggregator and the signer nodes. They also updated the runtime of the aggregator to handle open messages associated with the available types, and evolved the REST API of the aggregator to deliver the artifacts for these types. Additionally, they have upgraded the network explorer in order to display the artifacts and certificates for these different types.

Finally, the team started designing an on-chain decentralized signer registration process, and started implementing the new stake distribution computation available from Cardano node 8.0.0 (along with the backward compatibility for previous 1.35.x versions).

Low level overview

  • Worked on the epic that designs and implements generic signing/verification of entity services #780:
    • Completed the handling of multiple types of signed entity in the aggregator runtime #907
    • Completed the adaptation of the signer runtime to use the signable builder service #854
    • Completed the adaptation of the aggregator runtime to use the artifact builder service #869
    • Completed the appending of the next AVK to all protocol messages #888
    • Completed the adaptation of the aggregator REST API to retrieve the list/details of the artifacts produced #893
    • Completed the adaptation of the explorer to handle new artifact routes of the aggregator #927
  • Worked on the epic that implements the computation of the stake distribution for mainnet #880:
    • Completed the implementation of the new stake distribution computation in the chain observer #919
    • Worked on upgrading the Cardano node to 8.0.0 #920

· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

The Mithril team completed the implementation of the new certifier service of the aggregator, which is in charge of producing certificates for multi-signatures. They also finished implementing the interfaces defined to provide certification for the full immutable Cardano files snapshot and the Mithril stake distribution. Additionally, they have completed the refactoring of the multi-signer in the aggregator. The team also fixed the bug in the signer registration that was responsible for gaps during the signature phase for some signers, and they upgraded the Cardano node used in the Mithril testnets and devnet to version 1.35.7.

Finally, they have worked on designing a decentralized registration for the signers that takes place on the Cardano chain.

Low level overview

  • Worked on the epic that designs and implements generic signing/verification of entity services #780:
    • Completed the implementation of the Certifier service in the aggregator #850
    • Completed the implementation of the signable builder for the Mithril Stake Distribution #851
    • Completed the implementation of the artifact builder for the Mithril Stake Distribution #870
    • Completed the implementation of the signable builder for the Full Immutables Snapshot #852
    • Completed the implementation of the artifact builder for the Full Immutables Snapshot #871
    • Completed the adaptation of the aggregator runtime to use the signable builder service #853
    • Worked on the adaptation of the signer runtime to use the signable builder service #854
    • Completed the definition of the entity service interface for verification/restoration #868
    • Completed the refactoring of the OpenMessage type #878
  • Completed the epic that simplifies the multi-signer in the aggregator #398:
    • Completed the extraction of the single signature registration from the multi-signer #643
  • Completed the upgrade of the Cardano node to version 1.35.7 #881
  • Fixed the bug that created a discrepancy of the signer verification keys between signers and aggregators #873

· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

The Mithril team released a new 2315.0 distribution that implements the first part of the migration of the aggregator stores along with minor improvements and bug fixes. They finished the migration of the aggregator stores to a relational design by completing the adaptation and migration of the signed entity, signer and single signature stores. They also created a new tick service that provides beacons to other services of the aggregator. Additionally, they started implementing the new new certifier service of the aggregator that is in charge of producing certificates for multi-signatures.

Finally, they completed the design and definition of the interfaces that must be implemented to provide certification for a new type of data in a Mithril network.

Low level overview

  • Released the new distribution 2315.0
  • Completed the epic that implements a relational store in the aggregator #779:
    • Completed the migration/adaptation of the signed_entity table #816
    • Completed the creation of the signer table #814
    • Completed the migration/adaptation of the single_signature table #829
  • Worked on the epic that designs and implement generic signing/verification of entity services #780:
    • Completed the definition of the interface of the generic entity service for signing #847
    • Worked on the implementation of the Certifier service in the aggregator #850
    • Completed the extension of the SignedEntityType type #848
    • Completed the implementation of the Tick service in the aggregator #849
    • Worked on implementing the signable builder for the Mithril Stake Distribution #851