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47 posts tagged with "network"

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Β· 2 min read
Marcin Szamotulski

High-level overview of sprint 57​

We released cardano-node-8.9.0 (which includes ouroboros-newtork- This release contains the following network upgrades:

Soon we will release [cardano-node-8.9.1] (which includes ouroboros-network- This release will contain:

  • Peer sharing improvements & fixes. Contributed and tested by Karl Knutsson CF.
  • cardano-ping updates to support NodeToNode_V13 & peer sharing.
  • Some smaller maintenance changes.

The list of network features included in ouroboros-network- and ouroboros-network- can be found here.

We also continued working on tx-submission, ouroboros-network#3311. Mostly working on the pure internal API for decision-making and testing it with property-based tests. The next step is to get all the information needed to run the decision logic in an efficient way and later write a mini-protocol client which is using the new API and testing it.

We also started working on thing to finalise the Genesis support from the network. We have a PR under review, ouroboros-network#4832. We also started to investigate how to support big ledger peer snapshots. This requires changes in the topology file as well as cardano-node & ouroboros-network to understand the snapshots; and on the other hand creation of such snapshots by cardano-cli.

Low-level summary​

This time everything was high-level, πŸ˜‰.

Β· 2 min read
Marcin Szamotulski

High-level overview of sprint 56​

Cardano-Node, Cardano-API, Cardano-CLI​

In the last sprint, the network team was designated to take the Release Engineering Role, as the coming release contains mostly network advances. Armando Santos has been making progress on it. The following packages were published to CHaP:

and other ouroboros-network packages with minor changes. The following packages were also published:

The work on cardano-node is in progress, see cardano-node#5485

We would like to thank Karl Knutsson (CF) for helping us to test the upcoming cardano-node release.


We continued working on tx-submission, ouroboros-network#3311

We started to execute an idea to put all configuration values used by the diffusion layer Ouroboros.Network.Diffusion.Configuration module. Currently, default values are spread in different repositories (e.g. cardano-node, ouroboros-consensus). See ouroboros-network#4805.

We restored how syncing works in bootstrap mode to get the same performance characteristics, see ouroboros-network#4809, ouroboros-network#4810.

We started working on Outbound-Governor Genesis mode, see ouroboros-network#4813.


We requested to modify how bulk-sync mode works to make it use the same mechanism that the newly added LedgerStateJudgement. See ouroboros-consensus#958.

Low-level summary​

We also addressed a minor issue regarding tracing LedgerStateJudgement changes, see ouroboros-network#4816.

Β· 2 min read
Marcin Szamotulski

High-level overview of sprint 55​

This sprint the networking was nominated for the Cardano Release Engineer role and we've been working on the integration of bootstrap peers with cardano-node. This is a work in progress: cardano-node-5485. cardano-node-8.9 will be the first node which supports the bootstrap peers feature, but we anticipate additional improvements needed before this is used at scale.

We disabled mean reward for new peers in the churn mechanism which was hurting connection in remote destinations. Thanks to Karl Knutsson (CF) for providing evidence and a patch. In future, this mechanism will be further changed, but this requires more analysis. ouroboros-network#4800

We continued working on tx-submission, ouroboros-network#3311

We welcome Marcin WΓ³jtowicz as part of the Networking Team of Cardano Core Tech. He reviewed our documentation as part of his onboarding process: ouroboros-network#4802.

Andrew Westberg (DripDropz) corrected documentation regarding which node-to-node protocol version introduced P2P.

Low-level summary​

Open Source Contributions​


We released io-sim- with some new features & improvements:

Β· 2 min read
Marcin Szamotulski

High-level overview of sprint 54​

In this sprint, we merged the bootstrap peers (aka weak genesis) changes to the ouroboros-network repository (ouroboros-network#4615). We continued working on integration & testing it using an early development version of cardano-node (cardano-node#5485).

Andrew Westberg (DripDropz) noticed and fixed a mistake in the cddl spec which resulted in misleading documentation; ouroboros-network#4790. The Handshake protocol flag should be called initiatorOnlyDiffusionMode. Library authors providing connectivity with other nodes via the node-to-node protocol are advised to review their implementation.

We continued working on the tx-submission decision logic; ouroboros-network#3311.

Karl Knutsson (CF) implemented:

Open Source Contributions​


We released a new version of io-sim to Hackage:


We released a new version of nothunks to Hackage:

Low-level summary​

Β· 2 min read
Marcin Szamotulski

High level overview of sprint 53​

We integrated bootstrap peers with cardano-node in an experimental branch ([cardano-node-5485], ouroboros-network-4615). We continued working on tx-submission: ouroboros-network-3311.

Karl Knutsson (CF) worked on peer sharing improvements: ouroboros-network-4778.

Erik de Castro Lopo made ouroboros-network packages compile with GHC-9.8: ouroboros-network-4727.

Nick Frisby (Tweag, Consensus Team), modified local-state-query mini-protocol so that one can acquire the immutable tip and thus get information which is not subject to rollbacks: ouroboros-network-4765.

Low level summary​

Other, less significant changes / improvements include: