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· One min read
Marcin Szamotulski

High level summary

We continued working on eclipse-evasion. We also analysed and fixed a bug when using DNS names in local root peers. We continued working on engineering blog post about P2P. We released a new version of packages for cardano-node-8.1.0 release.

We improved our CI, removed obsolete scripts add extra validation which checks if files were updated.

We also improved release scripts.

Detailed summary

  • Eclipse evasion: #4462
  • Local root peers bug fix: #4559
  • Release to CHaP: #4573
  • CI improvements: #4572
  • Release script improvements: #4573

· One min read
Jordan Millar

2023-05-24 - 2023-06-06

High level summary

  • The last sprint focused on removing cardano-cli and cardano-api from the cardano-node repository. We have successfully moved cardano-api to its own repository and will do the same for cardano-cli after the 8.1 node is released.
  • We provided assitance where needed in the release
  • An integration repository was created to enable my team to more easily work on cardano-cli and cardano-api


CI & project maintenance

Developer experience





· 2 min read
Franco Testagrossa

High-level summary

This week, the Hydra team has worked on several fronts, including improvements of their CI speed, logs, documentation pages and adding the support for timed transactions. They also updated the "Coding Standards" for the project, improved the troubleshooting page on their website and wrote a section about how to operate a hydra node. Finally the team completed a feature request that allows clients to submit and validate transactions to their hydra nodes using time validity ranges, ensuring isomorphism with L1.

What did the team achieve this week

  • Complete validation of timed transactions feature #196.
  • Write ops instructions and troubleshooting #569 and improve logs.
  • Remove --ledger-genesis argument to hydra-node options #863.
  • Fix issue with garbage collected caches by using a new cardano-scaling.cachix in more workflows #877.
  • Use nix to build test binaries to increase CI speed #867.
  • Updated our Coding Standards.

What are the goals of next week

  • Monthly report & review meeting.
  • Have a first end-to-end journey for external commits implementing "Option A" #215.
  • Integrate spanish translation #866.
  • Improve and provide regular benchmarks for Hydra #186.
  • Allow commit transactions with multiple UTxO #774.
  • Explored stateless observation and refined hydra explorer ticket #696.

· 2 min read
Damian Nadales

High level summary

During the past two weeks we brought further improvements into the Genesis design in collaboration with the IO Research and Networking teams. These improvements concern the Genesis selection rule, candidate rule, and root peers usage. See the [Genesis][#genesis] section for more details.

Regarding our UTxO-HD prototype, during the past two weeks we put together a pull-request that improves the DB locking mechanism, started porting the mempool fairness improvements from our main branch, and integrated a new open source library (that implements cancellative monoids) that allowed us to simplify our code and get a small performance gain.

We improved our tooling by releasing an immutable DB server, which can be used for testing and benchmarking purposes, and a db-truncater program, which can be used in disaster recovery and benchmarking scenarios.


The consensus team working on Genesis:

  • Improved the genesis selection rule as a result of our interaction with IO Research.
  • Studied how the hard-fork combinator handles forecasting at era transitions, and improved our documentation.
  • Determined that the simplest candidate rule we had considered will work for the Genesis window at era transitions, at least for the MVP.
  • Elaborated concrete proposal for the Genesis State Machine.
  • Met with the Networking Team and advised/co-designed how to implement the stop gap usage of public trusted root peers before Genesis is released (it's similar to the Genesis State Machine).

The team is currently re-analyzing the Limit on Patience, which can be less aggressive now that we've re-introduced the Genesis State Machine.

· 2 min read
Jean-Philippe Raynaud

High level overview

The Mithril team released a new 2318.0 distribution that implements the last migration phase of the aggregator stores and embeds a bug fix for the signer registration. They also completed the implementation of the interfaces defined to provide certification for the immutable full snapshot of Cardano files and Mithril stake distribution. They finalized the implementation of the framework to sign generic types of data in the aggregator and the signer nodes. They also updated the runtime of the aggregator to handle open messages associated with the available types, and evolved the REST API of the aggregator to deliver the artifacts for these types. Additionally, they have upgraded the network explorer in order to display the artifacts and certificates for these different types.

Finally, the team started designing an on-chain decentralized signer registration process, and started implementing the new stake distribution computation available from Cardano node 8.0.0 (along with the backward compatibility for previous 1.35.x versions).

Low level overview

  • Worked on the epic that designs and implements generic signing/verification of entity services #780:
    • Completed the handling of multiple types of signed entity in the aggregator runtime #907
    • Completed the adaptation of the signer runtime to use the signable builder service #854
    • Completed the adaptation of the aggregator runtime to use the artifact builder service #869
    • Completed the appending of the next AVK to all protocol messages #888
    • Completed the adaptation of the aggregator REST API to retrieve the list/details of the artifacts produced #893
    • Completed the adaptation of the explorer to handle new artifact routes of the aggregator #927
  • Worked on the epic that implements the computation of the stake distribution for mainnet #880:
    • Completed the implementation of the new stake distribution computation in the chain observer #919
    • Worked on upgrading the Cardano node to 8.0.0 #920